Chapter 7

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"Tell me, what are you four planning?" The Minister asked again, his hands clutching his knees as he leaned forward.

You inched back, Harry's knee touching yours as he shook his head.

"We won't tell you that Minister." Harry has not broken eye contact with him this entire time. It felt like they were dueling in their minds.

"Oh really now?" The minister scoffed, eyeing you this time. "What about you? Who even are you?"

You wrinkled your forehead as you looked at him. "I'm Y/n. And what about me?"

"What's the plan? I know you four are planning something!" He slammed his hand on the table and it sent the four of you into a jump.

"Hey! Don't do that," Ron shouted, picking up a coaster that has fallen to the floor.

"Why are you here, minister?" Hermione asked. She was clutching her purse tightly against her knees.

Scrimgeour's lip snarled as he reached into his pocket. A tight scroll of parchment was sealed shut by a red ribbon. "You know what this is don't you?" He didn't ask this question to anyone in particular yet it was obvious it was meant for Harry.

You studied the parchment, the way that it rolled many times because it was really thick. You scrambled through your mind to think of what it could possibly be. Nothing popped up.

Taking Harry's silence as a response, Scrimgeour pressed, "This is Dumbledore's Will."

Your eyebrows raised high above your forehead. "His Will?"

"What do we have to do with it?" Ron interrogated, glancing at a quiet Harry.

"That is exactly my question," Scrimgeour replied, furrowing his bushy eyebrows. He eyes each one of you, if his eyes could kill you will be in a casket by now.

You scrutinized the minister because why, after all this time, is Dumbledore's Will barely mentioned?

"What was the holdup?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.

"What?" He spat, eyeing you with his crazy eyes.

You looked at Hermione and she was able to understand exactly what you meant. "Dumbledore passed a while ago, minister, why wasn't this Will presented until now?"

Harry ran his hand through his hair. Ron was looking nervously at the door- it was like he could feel Mrs. Weasley on the other side, her ear glued to the door.

"We had to examine some objects that were stated in this Will-"

"By what order?" Hermione asked.

The minister scowled. "I have my reasons to examine these objects to make sure that they are not tainted with."

"By what order?" Harry repeated.

"By the Decree of Justifiable Confiscation," he replied, bitterly. "I had to make sure that the objects that are going to be given to you four are not dangerous or under any dark magic."

"But that was only meant for passing on dark artifacts," Hermione intervened, now looking at the bag on the table.

"Which is why you couldn't hold on to them any longer," you stated. "The thirty days were up and you had no proof."

The minister nodded reluctantly. "He gave something to each and every one of you here." He looked around. "Why did he? Why, out of all the students at Hogwarts, out of all the professors and acquaintances he had, why you four?"

"I don't think that is of any importance," you replied, a terror prickled your chest. You weren't close to Dumbledore like Harry was yet he still left you something.

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