Chapter 21

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The sun resided back to its hiding spot, the moon taking up its place for the remainder of the day. From the safety of the tent, you watched as the stars winked on the evening sky. The hues of pink and purple stretching across the sky, as if still trying to hang on to the sun but not having any success. The cold air slapped on your face, the characteristics of winter still bringing dread to your body. Harry was behind you and after fighting with himself, he placed a tentative hand on your back.

You flinched at the new sensation but relaxed as you saw it was Harry. His worried face made your heart race because as soon as his eyes widened and the corners of his warm pink lips frowned, you knew that the worst news were about to be announced.

As this association linked, you turned towards Hermione, who's gaze was fixated on the lamp in the center of the tent. The tears on her face gleamed as the dancing firelight inside the lamp swayed. Your heart broke every time you saw Hermione cry, it was so unfair how Ron caused this pain to all of you. You thought he did not deserve a single ounce of her tears but you knew you would be a hypocrite. There was a reason that your pillow was always flipped over the second you woke up: to hide the stains of your tears from the night before.

" We have to make a move," Harry stated, his gaze dropping to the floor. "We have spent incredible time in this tent, but we can't risk staying any longer."

At these words, Hermione softly whimpered as more tears fell on her face. She looked away, as if to hide the fact that her heart was breaking as Harry told you the plans to leave.

Your heart felt heavy as he said that Hermione and him have decided that it would be best to go to a different part of the forest. Or to an entirely different spot altogether. "But, but..." you started, not wanting to say it but their slow blinks told you that they understood what words failed to leave your tongue. 

Hermione reached for her purple beaded bag, dragging it closer to her chest as she wrapped her arms around it. "I don't fancy going," Hermione stated, her voice muffled since half of her face was squished against her bag. "But, I know it is the right do." She let out a deep exhale.

You advanced towards the lamp, anxious to get away from the cold air. "But, we can't just go!" You stated, not wanting to risk not ever seeing Ron again. "We haven't found another one yet."

"Precisely why we have to move on," Harry's tired voice responded, his frown deepening against his face. "We can't risk staying here and having your--- our safety in jeopardy because we can't let Ron go!" He answered, his chest rising as his fists clenched. You knew that this was Harry's signals that this was heavy for him to say.

"I've had enough of Hermione crying because of that bloke," Harry continued, his face turning red as his voice continued to rise in anguish. "I've had enough of staying here, in this same place for weeks because we don't want to risk him coming back and not finding us. But, guess what? It has been at least five weeks..." His voice began to soften and as you faced the truth he stated, more to Hermione than anyone else, "He isn't coming back."

Hermione continued to sob onto her bag, clutching the ends of it like it was the memory of Ron she was trying to desperately hang on to. You walked towards her, wrapping your arm around her to allow her to sob onto your shoulder.

"I shouldn't have told him to back off of me when he kissed me," Hermione mumbled, sniffing occasionally as her emotions spilled in the form of tears. "I was scared. I was scared because the moment was so intimate. It was just us two and we were skipping rocks along the lake. He believed it was the appropriate time and I was invited to the idea of him snogging me. But, I am such a fool!" Hermione said, and for punishment, she face palmed herself. "He doesn't care about me because if he did, he wouldn't be doing this!" She continued to cry on your shoulder and you glanced at Harry, who was staring at the floor as if processing everything.

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