Chapter 6

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"Everyone, in the count of three," Mrs. Weasley announced, smiling widely at a flustered Harry in a birthday hat. "Happy birthday to you!"

You sang it with everyone else in the room, smiling so much that your face started to hurt. You were also wearing a party hat, the string cutting your lower chin. A nice streamer pop was in your hand, it was ready to explode in Harry's face at the right time.

"Happy Birthday to Harry," everyone sang, a little off beat because the twins were trying to sing in a high note. Mrs. Weasley smacked them with the back of her hand. This made Harry chuckle and he was staring at the giant Snitch cake that was made just for him. "Happy birthday to youuuu!"

There were pops everywhere, bits of colorful paper falling gracefully down, bits of light twinkling here and there. The people around you laughed, the joy was really contagious. Harry was bright red as so many people started to pat him on the back and hug him. You were a safe distance away, smiling at him proudly like he just won a Quidditch match. Well, he didn't win the game but you felt he won something most dear to you, your heart.

Time felt like it froze in that millisecond he met your gaze. It felt like he read your mind because a soft glow was shining on those brilliant green eyes. It was true then, that you really do love Harry Potter. You blinked forcefully like you had to control it, kind of like when you think about breathing and it becomes a problem.

"Oh, happy birthday Harry!" Hermione claimed, hugging him warmly. She glanced at Ron before hugging him, and you noticed how Ron's shoulders relaxed.

"Thanks, Hermione," Harry replied, patting her back five times.

Ron jogged up to his best friend and gave him a strong hug. "Never thought I would get to see you at this age," he joked, winking at him.

Harry chuckled and he got up from his chair. When he stood up, he placed his hands on his thighs, glancing at you. You know you wanted to hug him but it would make you blush if you did. You sucked in your lips and approached him.

You looked into his eyes and noticed bits of confetti on the top of his head. "You have some... confetti on your hair, can I..?"

Harry nodded and leaned down towards you, your heart leaped to your throat. His nose was inches from yours and he was looking to the side, as if intimidated by your gaze. You started to take out the confetti from his soft hair, his breath warming up the lower part of your face.

"I must have over loaded the pop," you commented, shaking a bit of green paper off your finger.

Harry smiled and his eyes were brought back to you. His eyebrows slightly raised up as a whiff of vanilla and sweets engulfed his sense of smell. "You smell nice," he said, in his mind it sounded suave, now it sounded like he was a creep.

You grinned, noticing how he tensed after he made that comment. "Thank you, Harry, it is this new perfume that I was trying out. I think it is called Vanilla bakery or something like that." You chuckled at yourself as you finally finished grooming his hair.

Harry raised his head after your hand was at your side again. He was still leaning so it made his eyes look bigger than before. "Um," he stuttered, going back to his full height, "thanks."

"Mhm," you replied, putting your fists in your pockets.

"Harry, dear, what are you doing?" Mrs. Weasley interrogated, charging up to him with her high heels making loud snaps.

Harry answered, "nothing, Mrs. Weasley, I was just talking to Y/n-"

"It's time for cake!" Mrs. Weasley interrupted, holding Harry by his shoulders. "We added a lot of frosting and oh," she waved her hands in front of her, "I'm sure you don't care about it. Come on! Let's enjoy the cake." Mrs. Weasley grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him away, Harry mouthed "sorry" to you and you nodded in reply.

Hermione walked beside you, her hair in a nice low bun. "Are you going to give Harry his present?" She was holding a wrapped box in her hands, a card saying it was from her.

"Yeah, just not right now. What are you going to gift him?" You asked, your eyes glancing up at the ceiling where you were hiding Harry's present. It wasn't in the ceiling, it was in a box in the borrowed room the Weasleys let you stay in.

Hermione smiled, her beautiful features lightening up. "I wanted to give him a new sneakoscope." She placed the box on her lower stomach, gripping the other side of the box with her fingers. "You know, I think something feels off."

"Off? How?" You asked, already counting the people in the Burrow.

"I don't know, I feel like something is going to happen. Ron told me he had a dream that he was going to do something he was going to regret."

You made a weird face. "How could he dream that? That isn't a normal dream, it's like a prediction?" You noticed Ron holding a book and showing it to Harry.

Hermione followed your gaze. She let out an exhale. "I don't know but he told me that Harry had a nightmare about You-Know-Who. Something having to do with the Ministry, I'm not really sure. I guess it is related somehow."

"You don't think You- Know- Who is messing with Ron's head too? It's already enough that he's in Harry's mind," you replied, scratching the side of your head. There was something odd in those dreams but there isn't time to worry about that as well.

Hermione shook her head. "That's not all. Ron told me that Harry wasn't happy to stay here for such a long time, he doesn't like the way Mrs. Weasley keeps on asking him questions."

"She only wants the best for him," you replied in her defense, holding your elbow with your hand. "But I guess I have to agree. We need to keep moving if we want to get the.."

Hermione nudged you on the shoulder, her head tilting to the side in the direction of a silent Mrs. Weasley. You shut your mouth, knowing that Mrs. Weasley was hanging on any opportunity to know what the plan is.

"Mum! It's Dad's patronus!" Ron announced, making everyone in the room stare at the blue mist instead of a smiling Harry.

"I'm going home and the minister is coming with me!" The patronus in Mr. Weasley's voice announced to a mute room. The blue animal disappeared in a puff of smoke.

You immediately locked eyes with Harry and the both of you made questioning faces. Everyone in the living room started to take their party hats off.

"You don't think they know Ron doesn't have that illness?" George asked the open room.

No one knew the answer.

"We are going to have to hide them," Bill ordered, squeezing his wife's hand before heading upstairs.

"Hide?" Ron echoed, Bill's foot stopped in mid step. "What do you mean hide? I'm not going anywhere until I know why the Minister is coming here."

You crossed your arms across your chest, staring at the ground so that you could gather your thoughts. You were angry at the Ministry for never taking Harry seriously and painting him to be a lunatic. But you also didn't want to have an altercation with the Minister, it could risk Mr. Weasley's job.

"I bet Percy is behind all this." Fred rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms defensively. George nodded in agreement, his lip curling down at the mention of his brother's name.

Mrs. Weasley tensed and it looked like she was going to sob. Hermione picked that up and redirected the conversation, "I agree with Ron, we shouldn't hide because they are not going to know where we are when the school year begins."

Harry scratched the back of his neck, his nerves on point. "But why is the Minister coming here?"

"Maybe he wanted to try some birthday cake," Ron answered, a slight smile on his face. You grinned at Ron's comment and Hermione chuckled.

Fleur walked to the nearest window. She crossed her arms over her blue cardigan. "They are here."

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