Chapter 2

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"Now, you are going to drink this," Mad-Eye Moody pulled out a potion bottle, you already suspected what it could be. You glanced at Hermione who was right beside you and she met your eyes. That's all the confirmation you needed and you stared back at Moody, trying hard not to smile.

"But there's a catch," he continued, talking fast as he looked around the room, well, his wild eye looked around the room. "We need a strand of Harry's hair so that the six of us who volunteered can drink the Polyjuice Potion."

"What? That's the plan?" Harry spoke, shaking his head as Ron nodded. "No, I'm not going to let you guys do this. You are not going to risk your lives to save me, no."

"Not like we haven't done that," Ron mumbled, a slight smile on his face.

You grinned, knowing that you had also agreed to become Harry. "I say let's grab him and pluck him like a chicken."

Harry turned to look at you, a mixture of confusion and shock on his face. "What? You're going to be me, too? No I can't- OW!" He made a sizzling sound as he grabbed the back of his head, where Hermione has grabbed his hair.

"Why, Hermione," Harry mumbled, still massaging his head as Moody closed the bottle.

"What if something goes wrong?"

"Yeah, and we ended up a scrawny specky git, for ever," George haunted, while Fred gave a shudder.

"Or worse you end up with that bald spot on your head," you commented, making the whole room glance at you.

"Don't be foolish, Y/n, how can that be- I have a bald spot on my head now?" Harry asked, automatically placing his hand on his head again, feeling around to discover the patch of scalp.

The twins gave you a toothy grin while you smiled at Harry. "Don't worry, it doesn't look that bad." By now Harry had caught your bluffing and chuckled.

"Whatever, Y/n, I actually believed you."

"Sorry," you replied, still a grin on your face. "Thought you needed to loosen up a bit, that's all."

"Well, considering how I thought I had gone bald-"

"We can chitchat all day long but we don't have enough time!" Moody yelled, slamming his cane on the floor. "Now," he addressed the six people who are formed in a line at the middle of the room, the rest were around, in complete silence. He grabbed a bag he had hidden inside the massive coat of his and threw it on the ground, clothes falling over it. "Each of you six that are lined are going to wear this after you become Potter."

Harry shifted his footing as he looked at you. He didn't like the idea that you were going to become him, it felt weird. Sort of like an invasion of some kind.

"I don't like this idea," Harry muttered, his face a slight shade of pink.

"Trust me, neither do I," you replied, a slight frown on your face. Now that you think of it, you don't want to become Harry. It wasn't because of a cowardly thing, it was because it felt too personal.

"Here you go!" Mad-Eye Moddy exclaimed, passing it to Fred Weasley who was at the end of the row. "Just be careful, tastes like goblin p!ss."

"You have a lot of experience with that, do you Mad-Eye?" Fred replied, giving a stone-faced Moody a slight grin. "Just trying to diffuse the tension." He then popped open the bottle and drank some.

Next was his twin, George Weasley, and by the time he drank it, Fred shrunk. You grinned and Harry rolled his eyes because you always joked with him about it. It's true he was shorter than the twins but he was pretty tall himself.

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