Chapter 23

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"What?" You choked, shuffling towards the grave that Hermione was fixated on. "No, they can't be dead..." You felt tears streaming down your face again as you watched your last name written on those tombstones, confirming what Hermione was saying.

You fell to your knees as you sobbed in front of the grave, clutching your heart like it broke to pieces right then and there. "No, no..." You mumbled, sniffing and trying to move your hair from your face as it stuck to the snot and tears. It must be a joke, a game your mind was playing with you because of the lack of sleep. It must be delusion.

Harry cried with you, placing a shaking arm around your back. Hermione stayed standing, her eyes closing as if seeing you like this pained her so much she can't look.

"Y/n," Harry soothed, trying to calm you down because his heart ached.

"No, Harry," you replied, shaking your head and through blurry vision, read over and over the names on the grave. Those names haunted you and you were trying to convince yourself it was a mistake. It has to be a mistake. "They can't be dead. They just can't. They were going to come back for me. She told me they would come back!" You turned your head to the grave of the elder lady that took care of you, your heart pained with treason, your eyes sending daggers.

"She lied to me," you whispered, your heart beating incredibly fast with adrenaline. "She lied! Why would she lie to me?" You sobbed again, feeling like you were under the worst storm of emotions ever known to human kind. You covered your ears with your hands, closing your eyes shut as memories attacked you.

Harry continued to comfort you, trying to find a way to calm you down but knew exactly how you felt. "Hermione," Harry said, turning his head to where she should be, pleading for help. His heart stopped when she wasn't there and he was about to yell when he found her several yards away, cleaning a tombstone.

"Harry, this hurts," your voice was muffled. When you looked to the side, your face was exhausted. It looked like every ounce of emotion was sucked out of you. Your eyes were puffy, making your cheeks and nose look swollen. "I thought they just left."

Harry replied, "What did she tell you? Why are you so shocked that..."

You shook your head, not wanting to open yet another wound.

"You have to talk about it," Harry directed, grabbing your cold hands into his. Meeting your eyes, he said, "Please, tell me, it hurts me to see you cry like this." His eyes looked pleading, begging you to talk to him so that he could understand. You never saw him look at you like this, and it meant everything.

Your lip quivered, threatening for more sobs to come. You breathed deeply, your heart still going a thousand miles per hour. "I never met my mother, I only know she gave birth to me. Until I was four, my father sort of raised me and then he left too." You inhaled, closing your eyes to stop more tears from falling. "From what the elder lady told me, they couldn't handle it... they were going to come back when they were ready." You sniffed, going deep into memory lane. The countless years you would spend glued to the front door, waiting, hoping, for your parents to embrace you with the love you yearned from them. All the time when weird things were happening around you, which later on you learned it was your magical abilities, you hoped they would listen and provide answers. But it left you feeling lost. Confused. Tired. Sad. There were times where you wondered where you got your features from. If they would be enhanced once you grew up. Which parent you looked like most. But, that never happened and you secretly knew it never would.

"You never told us what the lady's relation to you is," Harry replied, dully noting how stoic your voice is now.

You chuckled wetly, running your sleeve under your nose. "She was our neighbor and a rather lonely one too. She didn't have children." You looked at Harry now, not wanting to cry again. "I couldn't call her my mother because..." The grave glistened as you stared at it, as if daring you to say it. "I kind of always had a hope my parents would come back." You angrily wiped a tear from your face, feeling ridiculous for having hope. Feeling stupid for thinking they didn't forget about you. That they would come back.

"This is foolish," you said through clenched teeth. "They didn't give a damn about me so why am I crying?"

Harry got up from the cold floor, his knees losing every ounce of mobility. "No it is not, Y/n. You are not wrong for having hope."

"But for what, Harry? They never came back! They knew where I was... We stayed at the same bloody house all of my life and they never thought once to visit? Didn't they miss me?" You cried, shaking with cold, adrenaline, and heartbreak. "Didn't they miss me like I missed them?"

Harry frowned, his heart wanting to escape from his body and hug yours. His entire being wanted to suck up all of the pain that you are feeling and give it to him instead. He wouldn't think twice about it either. "I'm sorry," he said, placing his hand on your back, resisting the urge to hug you because he didn't want to bombard you.

You needed comfort, something to fill this void that you are feeling. "Please, can you hug me, Harry?"

Before you finished with that statement, Harry had his arms wrapped around you, his neck nestled on your shoulder. You clutched his back, feeling his sweater wrinkle against your fingertips. "I don't know what I would do without you, Harry," you whispered, resting your forehead on his shoulder, already feeling even more vulnerable than before.

Harry's chest tightened at those words, knowing that those words will follow him forever. I promise you Y/n, I will always be by your side. "Anytime," he responded, making you smile at his word choice.

"Y/n? Harry?" Hermione called from a distant, her voice echoing through the silent graveyard.

You broke away from the hug, noticing how Harry lingered into the embrace just a bit longer before renouncing you.

It took a couple of moments to walk to where Hermione stayed, her face scrunched against the fierce cold wind. "I noticed the symbol," she rummaged through the book Dumbledore gifted to her, her fingerless gloves causing friction with each page she turned, "here. I noticed this symbol on the grave and this name."

The symbol with the triangle, the circle in the center, and a line going through the middle of it peeked at the top of the tombstone. You went closer to the grave, running a cold finger over the symbol. "It's engraved on it," you stated, turning your head down to look at the name.

"Ignotus Peverell?" Harry read, his eyebrows raising as you shrugged at him.

Hermione shuddered, and turned to look at her surroundings. The beanie she had on her head provided her warmth for her thick hair, and as she scanned the houses, her heart leaped into her throat. There was a shadowed figure standing at the empty street, their body turned directly to the three of you.

Pretending to not have noticed the figure to not give it any suspicions, Hermione turned back and whispered urgently, "There's someone watching us. They're behind us."

Your eyes widened momentarily and you looked at Harry like if you weren't shaking with fear. Harry's face softened as you looked at him for help, his strength coming back to him.

"Where?" Harry whispered back, not moving his head.

"Near the shops," Hermione responded, her voice breaking.

Your neck was hot, an uncomfortable sense of warmth overcame you. "What do we do?" You whispered, wiping some excess tears on your face to your sleeve.

Harry turned behind him, fully showing his face and not caring what the other person is going to do. Scanning the short figure, he noticed how the person seemed to have a hunchback, as if their own body was too much for them to carry. His eyebrows raised once he realized who it could be. "It's okay. I think I know who it might be."

You got up from the ground, staring at the hooded figure, a million of thoughts in your head. "Who, Harry?"

Harry looked at you and said, "Its Bathilda Bagshot."

The figure, that was at least a hundred feet away, nodded their head slowly.

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