Chapter 32

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"You and your friends are quite clever."

You opened your eyes and you were blinded by the intense amount of light. You got up from the ground, looking around the empty room that seemed to never end. It went on for miles and miles. Dumbledore, with the matching white robe as the room, stood near you, his hands resting on his sides. A pleasant expression on his face, as if you just arrived to drink tea with him. 

"Where am I? What is this?" You asked, stepping back from him. You could feel your head tensing from the light, your eyes slowly adjusting. Your heartbeat was all you could hear in the silence as Dumbledore listened. 

Dumbledore looked around too, as if he hasn't realized he was in a never-ending room. "No clue, I thought you would know."

You shook your head. Knowing that you were wasting time, you caught your breath before asking him everything.

He gently raised his hand in a halt gesture.

"Allow me to start the heavy conversation." He walked away and it wasn't long until you caught up to him. You looked around, noticing that nothing changed and it seemed like you were walking in place. But you felt like you were making some sort of progress but at the same time, nothing around you changed. You focused on Dumbledore instead, not wanting to freak out even more. 

"As you may know, I had a sister who I loved very much." He paused. "My family and I failed her. I had a thirst for power that overcame me, I do not recognize myself as I recall those horrid memories. My pride caused the death of my sister, something I will never forgive myself for."

He stopped walking, angling his body towards you.

"I admire you four for not letting power cloud your selfless thinking. That will come in handy."

"Handy? For what? Why did you give me this?" You reached for your neck but your fingers touched the vacant space where the necklace should be. You looked down at your chest, your dry skin looking back at you. No sign of marks or venom across your body. No sign of death. You looked at him alarmed.

Dumbledore nodded. "Funny tricks." He seemed to speak to someone else when he said that, as if someone out there was listening to the conversation.

You shuddered, scared of the calmness he is taking everything.

"I reckon Lily and James showed you the moment in time when I created the necklace?"

You nodded, the image of him repeatedly saying your name appeared at the front of your mind.

"That was right when my sister was killed and I desperately wanted to create something that will bring her back, even for a minute. You have lost a couple of people, too?"

You nodded, remembering how awful it felt when you realized your parents passed away. Looking at their tombstones, what used to be their bodies were now just rocks with their names. Even the lady who took care of you before you had to fend for yourself was not so far away. The only people that were able to see the child you once were, the child who had to grow up too early.

"Hurts worse than hell."

"Then you understand why I created such an object that could do just that. Well, not really."

"What do you mean?" You asked, your mind going in circles. "It's killing me! I don't think you perfected the object before willingly giving it to me."

Dumbledore continued to walk but moved slowly.

"I made the object with the intent that no one else can ever use it besides myself. That was until I was placed in a position where a name was called to me." He clasped his hands in front of him. "Time is the only dimension that one can never have enough of. Always seems like we do not have as much time with one another as one assumes."

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