Chapter 22

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The being sucked through a straw motion finally stopped and your feet touched the cushioned ground. Hermione let go of Harry's arm and looked around, dragging her beanie closer to her forehead. You were still holding on to his arm, and he looked around at the tiny shops that are lit with lanterns.

"I told you we should have taken polyjuice potion," Hermione warned, glancing frantically at the shadows dancing close to the windows of the shops.

Harry shook his head, his breath sending white clouds in front of him. "I was born here, Hermione, I would rather come as myself than pretend to be someone I am not."

"Besides, there was not even an animal at a seven mile radius around us," you reasoned, letting go of Harry's arm to fix the scarf he gave you on your neck. "I doubt we could have found some person at such a short notice-"

The sound of bells down the lane announced the departure of people coming out of a shop. Harry turned back, afraid that if they saw his characteristic glasses and scar, they would make a scene. You stared at the group of people, holding a wreath between them, soft giggles echoing behind them.

Once their shadows have gone, Hermione locked eyes with you. She pursed her lips as the sound of a low choir reacher the ears. Everyone turned towards the place where the singing commenced and Hermione noted what day it must be.

"I think it might be Christmas Eve," she stated, her eyes losing their twinkle as the soft lights illuminated hundreds of headstones.

You shivered, walking closer to the tombs as if they called for you to inspect them. Harry and Hermione followed and you knew that Harry was going to be looking for his parents. You looked across the silent graveyard, specks of snow occasionally fell to the floor, obscuring the names of people that are resting under ground.

This was your second time visiting a graveyard, the first one was years ago when the elder lady who took care of you passed. You remember walking down the streets of London with her, her wrinkly arm in your grasp until she halted abruptly. It was as if something was blocking her from going down that path. You were a young girl and had no clue what was going on until you noticed her flowery pink dress started to stain red near her stomach. Her face turned pale until she dropped to the floor, her body twitching. Everyone around you screamed in horror and a young man dragged you from the scene.

Your hair obscured your view and you never saw the lady who helped raise you anymore. Going to the funeral was like a fever dream. The idea of death was hard to grasp and being one of the three people who attended the funeral, it was hard to understand how death impacted others. It seemed unfair because you did not meet anyone who was connected to that elderly lady, what if she didn't have any other family? A young man, who's face is so far back in your memory it appears blurry, placed his hand behind your back as you sobbed. She was gone and you were alone.

"Harry," Hermione said, kneeling on a tombstone under her, the last name of "Peverell" twinkling in the moonlight.

You looked up and cleaned the tears that unexpectedly have escaped and turned to where Hermione was. Her eyes met yours and they saddened as she glanced at Harry. When you saw Harry, your heart ached as he stood in silence, staring at a big headstone in front of him.

Hermione met you halfway and walked with you towards Harry, her fingers interlacing with yours. "I'm sorry, Y/n," she whispered, trying to look for your eyes.

You shook your head, those words making you want to scream in pain. "It's okay, Hermione, I'm okay." You both knew it was a flat out lie but none of you had the energy to further touch the problem. Family was a touchy subject, evidently.

In loving memory of James Potter and Lily Potter

The headstone was big and the only sound was Harry sniffing and rubbing his nose against his sleeve. Hermione frowned and you were in your mind again. The names of Harry's parents swirled around and around in your head, and they sounded so familiar. You squinted, trying to go through the thousands of memories in your brain to figure out where it could have registered those names...

Hermione knelt down and conjured a flower wreath, which made Harry cry more. You followed Hermione's steps soon after, placing a bouquet of the same flowers of the wreath besides it. You knelt in front of the grave, bowing your head and paying respect to Harry's parents.

Harry sniffed and the three of you were on the floor, Harry found this comical. "Our knees are going to freeze," he commented, tearing up by the kind gesture from you and Hermione.

Hermione chuckled wetly, placing her head on his shoulder. "They would be so proud of you."

"They really would," you agreed, giving him a tight smile. There was a moment of silence where the three of you were just crying and hanging on to one another, each other's comfort at this time.

While you were thinking about the elderly lady, Hermione thought about her own parents, and Harry thought about his parents too. He closed his eyes and envisioned them exactly as he did in the Mirror of Erised.

"You really like her," James Potter said, smoothing out Harry's hair.

Harry flinched, not expecting to hear his voice in his imagination.

His mother smiled and caressed his face gently, their green eyes connecting. "She is a wonderful young lady, Harry," she commented, smiling at her only son.

Harry blushed, engraving their touch in his head. He looked around and his skin got cold. It was dark. The only thing he could see were his parents and they looked like they were illuminating from within. His surroundings was just empty space, stretching for miles and miles. He glanced at his parents, sadly noting that their feet weren't really touching the ground.

"Where are we?" Harry asked, looking back at their faces.

They smiled sweetly. "In your mind," James answered and Harry noticed how close he looked like his father. The same messy hair, the dark skin tone, the crooked smile, etc... James wiggled his eyebrows at Harry.

"Oh," he answered, his neck getting hot. "When you are talking about um, the young girl, do you mean..?"

"Y/n?" Lily inputed, her smile growing wider.

Harry turned red. "I know that this is probably not real but... when we are done with all of this, would you both uh... approve of me marrying her?"

James and Lily beamed, their light shining even brighter. "She's a lively spirit," James answered, looking at his wife.

"You have our blessing, Harry," Lily said. Harry smiled, rushing to hug them. Wanting to feel them in his arms.

"Harry? Harry?" Hermione called, nudging him slightly on his shoulder.

Harry's eyes opened and gloom filled up his emotions. He was so close to hugging his parents.

"What happened, Hermione?" Harry answered, exhausted.

Hermione frowned, turning to where you were.

"Y/n is sobbing at the headstone over there."

Harry got up from the cold and saw you shaking in front of a small grave. He and Hermione made their way towards you. They both know about what happened to the lady who took care of you and it could only be for that reason you were crying.

You glanced at them, your face covered in tears. "This is the grave of the elder lady that took care of me," you said once Harry got closer. Hermione halted just a few tombstones before, her eyes widening as she read the names.

"I'm sorry, Y/n," Harry soothed, wrapping his arm around you as you continued to cry.

"Y/n?" Hermione called, her voice shaking.

Harry turned and furrowed his eyebrows. You raised your head.

"Hermione?" Harry called, finding her extremely eerie.

Hermione frowned as she turned towards the grave again. "I think I found your parents."

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