Chapter 27

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As you closed your eyes, a voice deep inside your head faintly whispered "time." You pulled them open again, looking around you to see if anyone was uttering those words. Harry and Ron were slightly ahead, turning around to observe you.

"Y/n," Harry cautioned, inching closer to you. "What is that doing to you?"

"What do you mean?" Ron replied, huddling next to Harry.

Harry turned to Ron. "When I was in that lake, the horcrux was drowning me and I couldn't fight it. But..." He stared at the chain around your neck. "Dumbledore wouldn't have given you a horcrux, that's absurd."

Ron's eyes widened. "What if it is a horcrux? Maybe he thought we would realize it soon?"

You shook your head. "This isn't... Time. It keeps saying time."

"It can talk?" Ron stated, throwing his hands up. "I swear there is always surprises."

"No, Ron," Harry countered. "Y/n, what do you mean it keeps saying time?"

You held your head, feeling it weigh down as if filled with liquid. "I hear a small voice say time. It's not repeating but I can hear it. Harry, I am scared. I can't take this off." You reached for your neck and yanked on the chain. Only for it to stick to your neck like glue. "It hurt me when I was near the sword."

Ron swerved the sword behind him, taking just a couple of steps back. "Sorry."

"Why is this happening?" Harry asked, looking into your eyes as if you knew the answer.

You shrugged your shoulders. "I have no clue. I swear, I thought it was going to kill me."

Harry reached for you and you fell into his arms, feeling comfort like you never felt before. You closed your eyes, letting your body imprint how it feels to have someone want to be there for you. Harry stroked your hair as he wrapped his arms around your back. His instinct to protect you overwhelmed him and he doesn't mind it, he will always be there for you.

"Erm," Ron interrupted, "Did I miss something?"

Harry rocked his head back and chuckled slightly. "Right, you weren't aware of what's been happening the past few weeks."

You looked at Ron a little flushed. "Sorry, but you did miss something... that could be talked about after we destroy the horcrux." You nodded slightly and continued walking, mentioning to Ron that he should try to keep his distance because of what the sword inflicts in you.

Harry stayed with Ron and right when Harry was about to take a few more steps, Ron placed an arm in front of him. Harry stopped walking and looked at Ron, confused.

"Harry, you are my best mate and I am sorry for what I've done. But, I care about Y/n like a sister and I know you are a great lad and..."

"I'm not going to jeopardize anything.."

"We don't know where her family is but I am going to respond for her, Harry. Please, don't break her heart." Ron scanned Harry's entire face, his eyebrows scrunched up in sincerity. "I know you aren't capable of doing that but I really need you to know that I have her best interest at heart, Harry."

Harry nodded gravely. "I understand, Ron. I care about her so much that I would kill for her and although I appreciate the warning, I won't need it again." Harry patted Ron's back, smiling slightly.

Ron smiled and continued to walk to follow close behind to you.

"Hermione is a sister to me," Harry started. "You already caused her so much pain, Ron. If it happens again, I will respond for her."

Ron looked back and after a short pause, smiled with Harry. "Let's get this over with already-"

"Are you lot coming or what?" You shouted from a couple of hundred feet away after realizing you've been talking to yourself the past moments. You noticed that they were walking close to each other and it reminded you of the moments they had before the arguments started. A wave of nostalgia drowned you as the memories of the years passed by your head like a movie.

"Wretched time."

The voice was a lot clear now, as if the person was just a couple of steps ahead of you. You paused, feeling a strong weight on your chest. You reached for it, shocked that nothing occurred in your body. You stared down at it, noticing how the engraved tree glowed.

The world around you became darker yet you could not move your eyes away from the pendant. Your skin became cold as you worried on what is happening. A small moment passed and two pairs of feet appeared right in front of you.

"She is beautiful, he was right," a feminine voice said.

"He has good taste, just like me," a masculine voice responded, chuckling under his breath.

You raised your head and almost fell backwards at seeing who was in front of you. A stunning red-headed young woman who had eyes like a forest smiled to the man next to her. The man was like a carbon copy of the man you fell deeply in love with just slightly older.

"It's nice to finally meet you," Harry's father said.

You were frozen in shock.

"You're okay, love. We aren't going to hurt you."

"How?" You stammered, thinking the worst.

"You aren't dead, just in a state of faint." He chuckled.

"James, please. Come with us, Y/n, this will make sense soon." Lily smiled and walked with James into the darkness, although you noticed their feet weren't touching the ground. For some unknown reason, you were not scared. It felt like a nice cup of hot tea one took before bed. You followed them into the darkneness.

Harry and Ron were shaking your body, trying to snap you awake.

"Grab the necklace, Harry! It's the necklace!"

Harry desperately reached for the chain but your body violently shook at the attempt. He looked at Ron for help but Ron looked just as lost. "Let's stay here with her."

"We have to destroy the horcrux, this is what's causing her to react this way." Harry stood up from the ground, sweat tickling his eyebrows. "Hurry up, Ron!"

They both stood up from the ground, nervously watching as you twitched. They only went a few yards far. The mission to destroy the horcrux began.

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