Chapter 33

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"Go back? To Hogwarts?" Ron asked, his heart racing. "Mate, from what I've heard, Hogwarts is a living hell. They are waiting for you to go back. I heard Snape is in control now. There is not going to be help there."

"Precisely why we have to go back," Harry answered, frowning. "When I was sleeping a couple of nights ago, I found myself back at Hogwarts, holding some kind of tiara. I have no clue what it meant but I knew it was at Hogwarts. We have to go back, I don't think we have another choice." He glanced at you and immediately looked down.

Hermione was thinking, again while she bit her fingernails. "We have to create a good plan then, we have to make sure that what we are risking is worth it." She glanced at you, her weary expression written all over her face.

You looked at each of your friends, aware of the difficultly it was to keep your labored breathing to a minimum. Every ounce of effort you did from breathing was similar to at least five laps around the Quidditch patch back at Hogwarts.

"Before you all say it," you said, looking at them, "I am going. I will not let whatever is happening to me stop me from going with you guys."

"Y/n..." Ron started, his head tilted.

"No, Ron. It is unfair that I have stayed here this whole time and done everything I possibly could to help defeat You- Know- Who and right when we are so close, I have to stay here. Helpless. Useless. I'm sorry but if my fate is already written and I am going to die... I want to die knowing I am doing something to help save Harry."

Harry's lip quivered and you could see him do so from the corner of your eye. If you even glanced at him, you would be crying too. It is no secret that your love for Harry is strong enough to willingly go somewhere where death is waiting for you. You would go through any length to make sure he is alright.

Harry wiped his nose with his sleeve. "Then we should hurry then, there's no second guessing. Either we do this now or we wait but wait for what exactly, I have no clue." He felt his head start to squeeze but he tightened his grip on his wand to distract him.

"Hermione, but she.." Ron started but soon left his words to be carried out by the wind. He couldn't believe that no one else was taking into consideration how weak Y/n has become. He fears that a small effort will end you.

"Harry has a point Ron. What use will it be to stay here?" She was hastily grabbing her things, as if rushed by a timer. "We should get going. Ron, help me gather those things over there. Here, put it in this bag." She handed him a bag she helped create with one of her spells. Ron, hesitant to leave from his spot, reluctantly grabbed it and began to pack. 

You were focusing intensely on your breathing. Every breath you inhaled made your chest burn and cold sweat was dripping down your eyebrows. You turned to face the other side of the tent, hoping that it seemed like you were looking for your things instead of trying to fight the tears of pain trying to escape. 

Moments went by, everyone in the tent was busy packing their own things. No one uttered a word. Time was moving incredibly slow for you, the clothes you were transferring from your sleeping bed to the bag Hermione gave you weighed a ton. Every effort you made with moving your arms, or any part of your body really, ached to your bones. You couldn't help but worry in those moments that you would be a burden to them when going back to Hogwarts. 

"I will be waiting outside, I packed everything already." Ron opened the tent door, looking around one last time before he stepped out into the overwhelming snow. 

Harry stayed sitting down on the floor near you, holding the notebook that was passed around to everyone not so long ago. He was anxiously waiting for you to glance at him, maybe then will we have the courage to show you what he has been hiding in those pages. His heart was thumping loudly, he knew for a fact that you could hear it. Realizing what he was hiding in those pages may seem silly to show you at the moment, he decided to set it down on the floor. He didn't realize that he made such a loud sound as he placed it at the floor, his heart sank when he saw how you jumped. 

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