Chapter 10

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The ace wrap was covering all of your wounds now, and you fidgeted with the ends of it. A chill went through the window at the end of the hall, near the portrait of Sirius' mother.

"Here you go," Harry said, holding a mug in his hands as he made his way towards you. Nice steam escaped through the top of the cup. "I made some tea for you."

You smiled, scooting over to the side of the couch to make room for him. "Thank you, Harry," you acknowledged, taking the warm cup from him. Your fingertips brushed against his and you felt a flutter in your stomach.

Harry cleared his throat as he sat next to you. He leaned forward, his elbows resting against the edge of his thighs near his knees. He took off his glasses and squished his eyes shut, his fingers pressing against the corners of his eyes.

You sipped the delicious tea, making sure to steady the mug with your good hand. "Harry," you said, placing the cup on the coffee table. "Talk to me."

Harry sighed, putting his glasses back on. "It's just too much, Y/n. I get these memories of being here with him and... I remember how much he hated being here because it reminded him of how he was treated." He glared at the portrait at the end of the hall. "If she had just loved Sirius, maybe he wouldn't have ran away." He bit his lip to stop himself from crying.

"Oh, Harry," you soothed, wrapping an arm around him and resting your head on his shoulder. "Sirius was a rebellious person, but he fought for what he believed in. He was passionate about doing the right thing and I doubt he would have ever let his mother get in the way of his friendships. He loved fiercely, and I am sure he is laughing wherever he is because his mother has to endure the humiliation of being in the darkness while those who are not pure blood sulk around the house." You chuckled with Harry and he rested his head on top of yours.

"You're right," he replied, sniffing wetly. "He was one hell of a Godfather."

"And one hell of a man," you continued, feeling even closer to Harry than before. "I bet he would be so proud of you, Harry, and so will your parents." You raised your head and he was looking at you with red eyes. His tears stained his cheeks and you wiped them off for him. "You are an amazing person, Harry, and there are so few of those in this world. Please, don't let hate poison your precious heart."

Harry could not speak. Your words were sinking in his soul. They were surrounding his heart and inevitably, made its way inside it. He was hardly vulnerable to anyone yet he just cried to you, again. He looked into your eyes and couldn't help but feel warm. "You are wonderful, Y/n. Absolutely wonderful."

You blushed, looking away from the lush green of his eyes. "No problem, Harry, really. Now, where are Ron and Hermione?"

"I bet they are still trying to figure out what R. A. B is," Harry replied. "We've been here a couple of hours and all we have accomplished is more problems."

You frowned, feeling the heaviness of the situation too overwhelming to ignore. It is true: not one advancement has been made since the four of you got here. Only meeting Kreacher, of course, who will not, under any circumstances, treat you and Hermione accordingly.

"I bet Kreacher knows what it is," you commented, not realizing you said it out loud.

Harry's eyes widened as he looked at you. "You are absolutely brilliant! What do you think he can tell us?"

You had to fight the creeping blush that was threatening to overpower your face as you thought. The door on the hallway creeped open, followed by a couple of wet steps. "We found the room with those same initials, maybe he knows who he was? He loved here for....who knows how many decades."

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