Chapter 9

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The lady in a waitress outfit stood in front of your table, chewing gum so loudly you could hear the wetness of it. "What would you all like to order?" She had a notepad on her hand and a pen behind her ear, her face rested and with no sense of pleasure at seeing customers in such a late hour. Like anyone was ever happy to work near midnight.

"Four milkshakes and chocolate cupcakes, with white sprinkles, please," you answered enthusiastically, doing the hand gestures of sprinkling when you gave your order.

The waitress grunted and walked to the door that lead to the kitchen.

Your friends were giving you a stare.

"What? If you guys don't want your cupcake, just give it to me," you stated, grinning as Harry chuckled.

Hermione sighed and she leaned towards the table, the ends of her hair laying flat on the the surface of it. "We need to talk about what we are going to do to keep Harry safe."

Ron nodded and started, "There's always my Aunt Muriel's house-"

"No," Harry intervened, gesturing with a direct hand at Ron. "She's an old lady, Ron, and I doubt she'll stand Death Eaters and Vo-"

"Yeah, yeah, I get your point." Ron leaned back on his chair, a screwed up expression on his face. "What do we do now?"

"Let's be aware that whoever's house we go to is going to be put at risk if they oblige to take us hostage," you commented, fixing your focus on a certain spot on the table. "So, let's go to a house where we know the person won't be put at much risk but will still be used by the rest of the Order."

Harry shrugged his shoulders as he looked behind himself, his arm stretched behind your back to better position himself. Ron was scratching his head as he sucked in his lips. Hermione grabbed a lock of her hair and started to twirl it around her index finger, making her hair more frizzy.

"We can try Snuffles' old place," You suggested, bouncing your right foot that was over your knee.

"That's brilliant!" Harry exclaimed, leaning in to the conversation. "Everyone from the order will have access to get inside and we won't have to worry about getting Sirius in trouble. Also, Voldemort will have a harder time getting through all the safety procedures." His enthusiasm drained like a wet sponge.

You gulped, giving Harry an "I am here for you" gaze. "Is everyone on board?"

Ron rubbed his hands on his thighs as he pondered. "There is no other option, is there?"

"I think it is a good idea because," Hermione started, then she glanced towards the door. A soft bell rang as three men entered.

You followed Hermione's gaze and your heart raced. Are these the same men? You alarmingly looked at Harry and he shook his head.

The waitress walked to your table, the number of desserts and drinks on the tray she was holding swayed with her. "Here you are." She continued to chew her gum as she placed each dessert on the table.

"Thank you," you replied, holding the foamy cup in your hands. Your eyes were still glued to the men. You had a bad feeling about them and the fact that they were not showing their faces made it even more suspicious.

"What about all our things? I left them all at the burrow," Harry complained, also glancing at the men.

Hermione grabbed her small purse, the same one where all the clothes originated from, and settled it on the table.

"You're joking," Harry sighed, a small grateful smile appeared on his face as he inspected the bag.

"I had everything packed for days," Hermione replied, like it was of no importance.

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