Chapter 4

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"You're alright, Y/n?" Fred asked, giving you a tight hug.

Your face was squished on his chest and you mumbled, "Kind of. Where are all the others?" You released his embrace, trying to smile but Tonks was next to him and your heart shattered. You knew how much Tonks admired Moody, and to be frank, you admired her for it. Watching as how she pulled her hair back with a smile on her face made you feel guilty.

"Ron did amazing, he did," Tonks appreciated, "wouldn't be here without him."

At these words, you saw how there was Ron in Harry's clothes. He had a toothy grin and met you halfway in the hug. "Knew you would be great," you smiled, patting his back.

"All thanks to Tonks," Ron sighed, giving you a bashful smile. He leaned his body to the right, his mouth close to your ear so no one could hear his comment. "Hermione hugged me."

You grinned, looking behind him to find Hermione in conversation with Bill. "That isn't surprising, is it?"

He shook his head, his cheeks adorably red.

Seeing two of your best friends gave you hope that Harry was alright. Casting around the room your scanning gaze, you couldn't see the real Harry, everyone who has drank the potion was back to their normal selves now.

"Ron, where's Harry?"

The color of Ron's face drained. "He isn't here yet, they missed the portkey."

"What?!" You exclaimed, putting a hand on his arm before jogging outside of the Burrow. Harry has to be alright because then that means that this plan was a failure. It already was.

The chill breeze of the night made you shudder. The clothes you had on made you feel smaller because they were too big. You stood next to Mr. Weasley, who was holding his wife by the shoulders.

You crossed your fingers as most of the people who had arrived stared out into the empty field. There was only George, Remus, Harry and Hagrid missing. You willed them too appear on the field, all in one piece. You put your hand on the top of your head, your hair stuck to your forehead like glue.

"Molly he is going to arrive," Mr. Weasley soothed a crying Mrs. Weasley. He didn't look too reassured in his words, it sounded like he didn't truly believe it either.

Hearing these words made your chest tighten. What if they don't arrive and something absolutely horrible happened? What was that gold line in the sky that distracted Moody? You reasoned it was the sun's light but it was the night, how could that be possible?

"Remus!" Tonks yelled, running at an incredible speed towards Remus, and he had George's arm around his neck.

You ran behind her, as you could make out a rushing red liquid coming off the side of George's head. You saw a deep hole on the side of his temple, afraid that it was a bullet. "What? They are using Muggle weapons now?!"

"No, it was a curse," Remus explained, dragging George inside and you wrapped his other arm around your own shoulder. George was incredibly tall, and you struggled to keep up with Remus' strides but soon, Fred took up your spot.

"Hand him to me," Fred said, grabbing his twin's arm that was behind your neck. You nodded once, feeling an immense weight lift from your shoulders. You stayed in your spot. Fred and Remus have already reached the Burrow.

You looked up at the sky again. Right there on a flying motorcycle was none other than Hagrid and Harry. They were making their landing and you sprinted across the field. Harry had barely managed to have both feet on the short grass when you had wrapped your arms around him.

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