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a/n - before i get into this, i jus wanna say that this story does contain a lot of drug abuse, discussions ab s/a, rape, and descriptions of extreme violence. if you're uncomfortable with any of this, please be cautious while reading or don't read at all. whenever there's a sensitive topic in a chapter, i'll put 'TW' before it so you're aware. wit that bein said, i hope y'all enjoy <3

JUN. 10. 2012

Fourteen year old Michael swallowed as the gun was placed in the palm of his small hand. When he first joined the gang, he had expected other ways of being brought into it. He was told by a friend that he'd be jumped into the gang, and mentally prepared himself for that. But since he was so young, the man above him decided he would do things a different way.

He wanted Michael to kill someone—anyone—he chose.

He was surprised to hear he'd be doing something like this, but he needed protection. So if this was the way he had to do it, so be it.

Michael has had problems with people bigger, older, and stronger than him since he was in the seventh grade, and now protection against them was a clear necessity. He didn't want to die or anything, for obvious reasons, so this was the steps he felt he had to take in order to make sure he would be kept out of harm's way.

"Dis yo last chance ta' back out, my nigga," Gambino placed a hand on Michael's upper back as he held the gun in his small hand, biting down nervously on the inside of his lip. Now the group was standing in front of the boy's house waiting for Michael to give them the go ahead to break in.

For his victim, he decided to choose someone who wronged him a couple months back since he knew that he wouldn't be able to take on anyone older than him. He and the boy hadn't talked or even come into contact with each other in a bit of time, so any person would think that Michael was no longer worried about the situation.

But clearly, it was still sitting heavy in Michael's heart.

"You sure you wanna do dis, man?" Gambino asked him one last time, and Michael nodded his head. It was an unsure nod, but they could see in his eyes that he was pretty much set on his decision. Michael was going to kill him.

"I'm good. Les' jus' get dis over wit'," Michael breathed out, cocking the gun, and he could see Gambino evilly rub his hands together before going to pick the lock at the front door. They all stepped inside, quietly, and Michael snuck upstairs. Luckily for him, every bedroom door was wide open so he was able to peer into the rooms without being forced to open the door and possibly alert someone he wasn't supposed to alerted.

Upon finding his victim's room, Michael slowly tiptoed inside, hoping that he didn't accidentally step on any creaks in the floor and wake the boy up. He was fortunate enough that he got to the boy's bed without alerting him or anyone else.

Of course, he's seen Gambino do this kind of thing in a much more time efficient, yet dangerous way, but Michael knew he wasn't ready to do things that way. Not yet.

He didn't want to get caught during an initiation task. That's the last thing he needed.

Now, he stood at the side of the bed, glaring down at the sleeping fourteen year old. He was nervous, but the main thing he was feeling was anger and power. Michael felt on top of the world, knowing that someone's life was in his hands.

A bad person's life was in his hands.

Finally, he lifted the gun to his head and, as if the boy just knew Michael was there, his eyes flashed open. Despite the room being extremely dark, the light from the full moon shining outside the window allowed the boy to catch a glimpse of the gun pointed to the bridge of his nose. His face immediately turned in horror, and just before he could let out a scream of sheer horror, Michael pulled the trigger.

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