207 14 11

OCT 02, 2020

"Daddy, I wanna start takin' the bus ta' school," Beauty requested loudly—suddenly—from her carseat. He flicked his eyes into the rearview mirror and saw that she was kicking her feet, her expression excited.

"You funny, B," he commented.

Michael didn't even bother giving that idea the time of day. He was not ready for Beauty's safety to be in someone else's hands, in the transportation sense. He would much rather do it himself. Not to mention, he enjoyed taking her to school every morning.

"Why not?" she drawled in a whine.

"'Cuz you're five years old."

"But I'm a big girl, you said so."

He chuckled to himself. "You not dat kind of big girl yet, mama."

"Yes, I am," Beauty insisted.


"Maybe when I'm six?" she asked.

"Not even."


That seemed slightly more reasonable, but he still wasn't completely convinced, so he ended their back-and-forth with a "maybe."

She commented, "I can't wait ta' be seven."

"Oh, I'm sure." He pulled up and parked the car, getting out and going to Beauty's side. He unbuckled her from her carseat and picked her up. Michael puckered his lips, and she quickly gave him a kiss. "Have a great day at school, okay?"

"Okay. Love you, Daddy!"

He put her down and she started running towards where her teacher was standing.

"I love you."

He waved and watched her to make sure she got all the way to where she needed to be. Michael saw her teacher acknowledge him with a nod and he did the same before getting back into his car. Now he was left with nothing to do.

Moira was at work, Beauty was at school, and he didn't have any solid friends because he pretty much cut them off. He was getting closer and closer to leaving the game as the days passed him by, but he didn't know how Gambino would react to that and he preferred not to stir the pot right now.

Michael decided that, instead of sitting around and waiting for Moira to get off, he would pull up at her job instead to see what she was doin. When he arrived, the place was full of teenagers and young adults looking for some trendy clothes to wear and show off on social media.

Someone approached him, asking if he needed help, but he declined. He almost asked them if they knew where Moira was, but he ended up spotting her helping a girl with something. He grew closer and once she noticed him, her expression turned in surprise, but she tried to continue her conversation as if he wasn't there.

He stood in the same spot and watched her, making her visibly nervous.

The girl turned around and furrowed her brows, having not expected to see Michael standing so close by.

He held his hands out. "Continue, continue. I can wait."

Moira cleared her throat. "Um... did you need anything else from me?"

"No, ma'am. Thank you." She walked away, giving Michael just one more look before disappearing into a different aisle.

Moira wasted no time speaking. "What are you doin' here?"

"I was bored, I wanted ta' see you. I can't come see my girl?"

"I'm at work, Michael." She folded her arms. "I get off in an hour and a half and we kinda live together right now."

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