590 20 134

FEB 29 2020

It was a frigid Saturday afternoon, and currently Michael was out with the gang, sitting on the curb of Samar's house as they all smoked together. While Michael and Samar smoked on only marijuana, TJ and Gambino were smoking cocaine. Michael honestly learned to stop caring about the fact that it was around him at all times. He just always made sure that he was never taking part.

"Well, well, mothafuckin well." The group of men heard a voice, and Michael was the first to look up. In front of him stood Jakai and a few of his goons, and Michael immediately rolled his eyes. He truly wasn't in the mood to be going back and forth with Jakai today. He just wanted to smoke and enjoy himself.

"Hea' dis nigga go," Michael kissed his teeth.

"Whas' good witchu, Mike!" Jakai responded in his most enthusiastic voice, irritating Michael to his core. "How you been?"

Though it wasn't the way he even felt at the moment, Michael played along and mimicked Jakai's keenness. "I been straight, yo. When you get out?"

"Couple weeks ago, but you knew dat," Jakai's grin faded into a bitter stare, and Michael perked his brows, silently signaling for him to continue. "You did shoot my car up."

Michael gasped such as a lightbulb above his head went off. He held his finger up. "Oh yeahhh," He dragged out dramatically before straightening his expression. "Dat was me."

Jakai's jaw clenched and Michael could see him ball his fists up. Honestly, any opportunity to fight someone, he would take it. It always got his blood rushing and it was much better than any heroin high ever was.

Plus, Michael's always wanted to fight Jakai but their rivalry had only begun months before he got locked up for 'manslaughter'—which wasn't actually manslaughter—and that put a hold on the hatred. But now that he was back, Michael was sure he'd have every chance in the world to fight Jakai.

"You got a problem?" Michael questioned and put his blunt out.

"Yeah, I do."

Throwing it to the side, the gang watched as Michael stood up and stepped up to Jakai, getting in his face. "So wassup then?" He held his arms out, looking Jakai dead in the eye. "Do somethin' about it."

A villainous smirk touched the ends of Jakai's lips before he quickly fixed his expression and straightened his demeanor. "I got somethin' better fa' yo ass—way better than a fuckin' ass beatin'. You jus' wait on dat shit, nigga."

"Get yo ass on," Michael rolled his eyes, highly irritated by Jakai. He truly did hate this man with ever inch of his being.

"Nah, yo! You wait, I'm dead serious," He exclaimed, slowly walking away to wherever he came from.

"Bye, Jakai! Get outta hea!" Michael didn't egg it on any further because he knew Jakai was completely irrelevant, and he wouldn't do a thing. Jakai was never one to intimidate Michael. Not when he was younger, not now. It simply would never happen.

Michael ended up deciding he wanted to go home, one because Jakai blew his mood and also because it was getting late and he was kind if tired. He didn't have to pick Beauty up until that next afternoon, and he'd already dropped Moira off at home earlier that day, so as far as he knew he had no responsibilities for the rest of the day.

Michael said goodbye to the gang and started on his way home. As he was in the car, he had Siri FaceTime his mother's phone, knowing she was somewhere with Beauty. The phone rung a couple of times before Katherine picked up the phone.

"Hey, Michael."

"Hey, whea' Beauty at?" He asked, and immediately he heard his daughter's tiny voice.

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