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AUG 04, 2020

"I think it's jus' the stress."

Moira huffed. "But it's gettin' worse. she was never drinkin' like dis and now whenever I come see her, she's drunker than before..." Her head shook and she stared out of the passenger window as they were on the highway, going to Michael's mother's house. "I'ma have ta' go home soon."

"She jus' learned some shit she feels like she shoulda always known, which she should have..." he trailed off. Moira didn't want Michael to blame Iva completely. Sure, she probably should've figured it out, but Jay was good at being sneaky. Entirely too good at it. "I'm sure it's a lot at once. Losin' her nephew who she allowed in the house, you goin' through what you went through, yo cousin threatening y'all. You gotta cut her some slack."

Still, Moira didn't feel like drinking was helping anything. It absolutely wasn't. It was causing even more problems and slowing the process of getting a restraining order against him. She needed to be involved and 100% involved for that. Moira needed for Iva to get her life together.

"I ain't seen her drink like dis since my dad left," Moira admitted.

Michael's aversion was noticeable when he glanced at her briefly, then bringing his eyes back to the road. "Do y'all have any idea where he at?"

She shook her head. "No. He could be dead... He jus' left one day and never came back."


Minutes later, they arrived at his mother's house. He parked the car but kept it on and turned to his girlfriend. "I'a be right back."

She nodded.

It's Tuesday, much later than when he typically picks Beauty up, but his parents wanted to keep her a little longer so they could take her somewhere. As long as they made sure her sleep schedule wad under wraps for school, he didn't mind. Now, he was ready to see his baby. It was rare that he went longer than two days without seeing her nowadays.

Years ago he could see he slacked off, wanting to experience life as a young adult while he had the chance, but he came to the realization that this was his bloodline and he asked for this baby to be had. She didn't ask to be here and she was his responsibility.

Michael always made sure they talked just about every day if that was ever the case.

He unlocked the door and called out, not hearing voices, but hearing the TV.


"Daddyyy!" Beauty exclaimed from the living room and came running towards him. He squatted down, letting her jump into his arms. Michael flooded her with kisses all over her face. "I'm happy ta' see you," she exclaimed.

He grinned. "I'm happy ta' see you too, mama. Where's Grandma and Grandpa?" he asked, standing up and taking her with him.

"Doin' laundry," she relayed to him, to which Michael put her down.

"Let' go say bye, then we can go home." He followed Beauty as she ran through the house and to the laundry room. Inside, Katherine was working on folding sheets up while Joseph was transferring a load from the washing machine to the dryer.

Katherine smiled when she saw Michael standing there. He took Beauty's hand and spoke.

"Hey. I jus' wanted ta' let you know I was here ta' pick up Beauty and we gon be on our way."

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