368 14 65


JUN 05 2020

Since Beauty is skipping over kindergarten, her teachers decided that she would still get a graduation for her class. They didn't want her feeling left out because she didn't get to go, and Michael was grateful he would still be able to have that memory with her.

Today was the graduation, but her actual last day of school would be that next Wednesday. Katherine and Joseph had Beauty today—he would be taking her for the weekend so he could celebrate her success—so she was with them.

Michael was sent pictures of her wearing her outfit that would go underneath her gown. Her hair was cornrowed and beaded. She looked beautiful as always—he couldn't wait to see her today.

After talking to her on the phone, and exchanging a few words with his parents, he got himself together so he could go up to her school, it would be held in the auditorium. The graduating class was bigger than usual, so it wasn't gonna be done in a classroom like usual.

He arrived and met his parents in the auditorium where they were seated. He looked around for Beauty who seemed nervous. When their eyes met, hers lit up and she waved at him. She was tempted to run over to him but had to stay in line.

He was pretty close, so they could talk.

"Hi, daddy!"

"Hi, mama!" he said just as enthusiastically. "You look pretty, baby."

"Thank you, I know. Take a picture," she requested, to which Michael laughed. Out came his phone from his pocket, and he went to the camera to take a couple of them. She'd already been ready with a few poses. Her hand on her hip, fingers holding up a peace sign, lips puckered—all the poses you could conjure.

With a laugh, Michael took a seat next to Katherine who was next to Joseph. Had Janet been out of school, she'd be here as well.

The graduation wasn't long. They just named off each student and kept it moving. Everyone got their recognition. Beauty, however, received a shoutout from multiple teachers and principals. where they talked about how she skipped over the kindergarten.

Afterwards, the kindergarteners sung a song while Beauty got to join her family off stage. This being last minute—for her—she didn't get to rehearse with them, but she didn't mind. She was just happy to be recognized. Michael was nothing short of proud of his daughter.

He was proud to be able to say that Beauty is of his kin, and he contributed so much time and energy into her. He wanted her to be successful in life, and she was already on that road to greatness. She deserved all good things coming to her.

She jumped into his arms, and he hugged her as tight as he could without suffocating her. He kissed all over her face, making her laugh and squeal. Beauty kicked her feet until Michael put her back down, and she went to hug her grandparents who were just as proud as Michael was. He watched them interact with a smile on his face.

He sat them down again, and they watched the rest of the kids graduate. Once the event concluded, they all walked to their cars together and parted ways. He picked her up to get her into her carseat.

"I love you, babygirl," he said. Puckering his lips, she did the same, and he gave her a kiss. "You did so good, I'm very proud of you."

"I love you, too."

"Where you wanna go?"

Her face turned in bliss. "Anywhere?" she asked for clarification.

He nodded. "Anywhere you wanna go."

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