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AUG 18, 2020

Michael just returned from dropping Beauty off at school this morning and was more than ready to get in the bed so he could go back to sleep. An empty house and no errands to run—a rare occasion—called for nothing more or less than sleep.

Moira wasn't with him. She was back staying at her mother's home. While she would occasionally come over to spend the night with him, Michael's house is no longer where she's laying her head every night. It seemed Jay went ghost, so she was fine with going home and giving her mother some company.

Michael parked his car in his driveway and removed the keys from the ignition, climbing out and before he even stood up straight, he noticed a woman standing at his door, her arms folded and her back facing him.

He couldn't tell who it was so called after her after locking the door. "Aye!"

She turned around and Michael smacked his teeth when he saw it was Shanti. At this point, he hadn't seen her in months, and he hadn't thought he would see her ever again. Not after she fixed her lips to say what she said about both him and his daughter. This woman was absolutely relentless, and Michael couldn't stand it.

"The fuck is wrong with you, Shanti? You don't know when it's time ta' let somethin' go, man."

"I wanted ta' see you. See how you was doin'."

Michael could see right through her little facade, and he wasn't going to fall for it. Shanti and he were over, but it seemed her skull was too thick, and she was having trouble understanding that fact.

"I'm doin' jus' fine, actually. Way before you brought yo ass here, so you can run off right back ta' whatever pit of hell you came from."

She sighed and pouted her lip. "Michael, I wanna talk. I miss you, and you know I got love fa' you-"

"I'm glad you feel dat way, but I'm over whatever we had goin' on. Been over it, so it's time fa' you ta' go."

"So, you jus' gonna brush me off like we ain't have nothin'?" she asked in disbelief. Michael shook his head, wishing she would just move away from his door so he could go in the house and take a nap.

"Nigga, whatever we had you ruined with your cheated, so hell yeah I'm brushin' you off. You need ta' go."

"You must got a new bitch-"

"Here you go, bruh," Michael cut her off. "Why you always gotta take it there with me? Jus' go!"

"I'm not leavin' until we talk." Shanti folded her arms.

"We talked already! Get outta here, yo. Pissin' me off," he uttered the last part to himself, walking closer to his door to try and get inside, but she blocked his way. Michael smacked his teeth in irritation. "Man, somethin' is really wrong with you. Get outta the way 'cuz I'm finna lay a hand on you, and you not gonna like it."

"You won't put a single hand on me," she challenged.

''You wanna bet?" She only stared at Michael, clearly not believing what he was telling her he sure enough was going to do, so Michael grabbed her by her upper arms, pulling her away from his door so he could actually unlock it.

Shanti smacked her teeth in detest.

"I already apologized fa' sayin' all dat stuff about your daughter."

"Dat wasn't no real apology, and I never accepted it anyway. You ain't damn sorry."

"I'm tellin' you I am."

Michael took his key out of his pocket and inserted it into the lock. "And I'm tellin' you I don't give a fuck. Get out my face with dat. You can go."

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