204 11 43

SEPT 05, 2020

"Be safe out here, man. Fa' real." Michael gave the man he just sold to an earnest nod, dapping him up. He ducked his lips to the side, an odd feeling taking over his chest as the guy walked away.

Honestly, the drug dealing life was no longer appeasing him. The older he found himself getting, the less he enjoyed it. Especially since he dealt with addiction as a child. He hated to think about himself being the cause of someone else's suffering.

He knew drug dealers would be around forever. America needed drug dealers. Without them, people wouldn't be arrested for their petty crimes and their prisons, the source of a lot of this country's income, wouldn't be making any money.

But Michael was risking too much now that he had a daughter and a girlfriend who he loved very much. He was truly thinking about looking for an actual job. Something not illegal, but he wasn't sure of what to do. He didn't have a record but also didn't finish school—something a lot of positions required now.

He also preferred to be there for his baby, working while she's at school so he can pick her up and not be burdened with relying on another person to watch over her. The last thing he wanted was a babysitter.

It also needed to pay just as well—or around the same amount—as drug dealing had.

"Yo, Mike!"

Michael swiftly turned around when he heard Samar's husky voice calling for him. He tilted his head up, a gesture for him to talk.

"We 'bout ta' head back to the trap. We all done here. You comin'?" Samar questioned, pointing his thumb in the direction of Gambino's car.

"'Ion know. What y'all got goin' on?"

If he did stay around with them, it wouldn't be for long. He had to get Moira from work and run some errands before Beauty got picked up tomorrow. Once he got his daughter, he wouldn't have the time.

"Nothin' really. Gambino and them tryna get high."

He immediately shook his head. Michael wanted no parts in that and refused to be guilty by association.

"Nah, I'm cool. I'ma go home, bruh."

Samar nodded. "Aight. You want us ta' take you to your car?"

Michael declined the offer. It was only a three-minute walk to the parking lot, and the weather was okay today. He could use a walk to get his mind off his current "occupation" anyway. Plus, Michael had never liked to association with them, not in the way he used to.

They got into the real gang life. Not just selling drugs, but running the streets, stealing, killing. Michael had killed only once before. When he was initiated into the gang at fourteen, and never again after that. He'd shot people to send a message, sure, but Michael was never one to kill.

It sat on his mind too heavy... when he did it when he was fourteen, it quickly became something he regretted the most in life. It was a topic he would never talk about and would deny if it ever happened to come to light ever again, which he was sure it wouldn't.

That happened almost a decade ago to a Black kid who was a known troublemaker. The police wouldn't bother reopening a case such as that one. And they hadn't had any leads to begin with. No one really knew of their beef besides Michael, him, and Michael's gang.

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