520 22 121

JAN 12 2020

Moira never understood why her coworkers are so resentful of her because she's always been such a quiet girl. She never bothers anyone and prefers to stay to herself. She was currently at work, sitting in the front and while waiting for customers. Sunday's aren't typically slow days, but today it was and Moira wasn't complaining.

Her coworkers were in the back of the store, talking amongst themselves. Moira was often given the role of talking to customers, though she didn't like social interactions. They gave her the burdensome responsibilities to get out of doing it themselves. So really, the only thing her coworkers would do is talk to each other and be passive aggressive towards her.

Snapping Moira out of her bored thoughts, the bell above the door went off indicating that a customer walked in. She looked up and saw a man holding his daughter in his arms as she rambled on and on about something.

Seeing where they now were, the little girl's face lit up. "Daddy, I want dat!" She pointed to the menu above Moira, and he looked up at it as well. "Strawberry ice cream?"

"Yeah," She nodded her head. "And can I get sprinkles?"

"Okay," He nodded and looked down at Moira who was waiting on them to order. "Lemme get a medium sized cone."

Moira quietly nodded her head and rang him up for the order. She told him the total as it popped up on the screen "Seven dollars."

"Whatchu' say?" He asked. "I can't hea' you, ma."

"Seven dollars," She elevated her tone a little more, now feeling slightly embarrassed that she hadn't been loud enough the first time. "Oh," He nodded and reached in his pocket, grabbing out a black wallet. He started to hand it to her.

"I wanna do it," His daughter spoke, causing him to draw back and look at her. "'Ight, hea'."

She took the ten dollar bill from his hand and passed it to Moira making her smile. Moira returned the change to the little girl and the went to go make their ice cream after putting on a pair of gloves.

After making her, her strawberry ice cream with sprinkles, she handed it to the girl, earning a pleased thank you in response. The man went into his pocket and searched for something, Moira awkwardly watching him in confusion, and he pulled out a twenty dollar bill. "Hea'."

She immediately declined. "No, iss' okay."

"Take it," He continued to hold it out towards her, and she skeptically looked to the back where her coworkers continued to talk amongst themselves. "I'm not allowed," She said to him, and he tilted his head to the side with a confused expression on his face.

"Why not?"

"We jus' can't."

"They don't gotta know," He shrugged his shoulders and she nervously looked to the back again before nodding her head again. "Okay," Moira quietly responded him and took the twenty. "Thank you."

"You straight," He nodded, and started out of the building, but stopped as he heard a voice from behind him. "Give me that, Moira."

"What?" She asked in confusion, the fact that she was tipped already slipping her mind. "You know we don't take tips," She scolded Moira, her voice remaining serious and unsatisfied.

"I gave it ta' ha', bruh," The man chimed in, squinting his eyes, and both Moira and her manager looked over at him. "Let the girl take the tip."

"It's fine," She coyly spoke up. "I'a jus' give it back ta' him."

"You shouldn't have taken it in the first place," Her manager said with a certain tone that clearly the man hadn't liked, because his already sour expression had turned into disgust. "Yo, chill out talkin' ta' her like dat. I tol' her ta' take the money and she wasn't gon do it at first."

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