495 18 166

APR 03 2020

Moira was asleep on her couch, taking a nap before it was time for her to go to work for the day. However, she was woken up a little earlier than she expected when she received a notification on her phone. Her eyes opened and she groggily moaned before sitting up and grabbing her phone. It was a notification that she had been paid, and she didn't think anything of it... until she realized that her check was a bit short.

She knew it had nothing to do with her not working as much due to not being as much. That was intentional, and she knew it. At least a hundred dollars was missing from her check.

Since she had to work anyway, she would address it when she got there. Michael would be here to pick her up within the hour, so she decided to just start getting ready now. Just as she thought, Michael was texting her that he was outside an hour later, and she hopped into her car. She was already irritated, and hoped that it was just a mistake on their part. Lord knows she needs the money.

Moira has always been a low class citizen. Living check to check after her father left was a normal occurrence. She had to learn the value of a dollar at a young age, so she always knew how to handle her bills correctly and save money.

Getting to work wasn't a struggle because traffic wasn't bad today. When Michael pulled up in front of her job, he unlocked the doors to let her out and she asked if he could wait there for a few minutes—just in case things went south and something happened. He said he would and she could take her time.

She walked into the store and approached one of her GMs, Janie, who was standing behind the counter. "Janie," Moira called as she went around the counter.

"Yeah?" Janie turned around.

"Why is a hundred dollars missin' off my check?" Moira questioned, folding her arms. She was trying to mentally prepare herself for the answer because, whatever the excuse, she knew it was far from a good one.

"Ohhh," Janie began, "when someone does a no-call no-show, we take off a hundred dollars."

Moira furrowed her brows, fighting the urge to just cuss her out right then and there. For one, Moira had called and told them she wouldn't be able to call in, and, two, she was sure that wasn't even legal. She worked for the money she earned so unless there was a real reason for her managers to steal from her, she wasn't about to let it slide.

Not mentioning the fact that the tactic they used wasn't legal, Moira asked, "Since when?"

"Since the new GM was hired. It was a mutual agreement."

"Okay, but I called," Moira came to her own defense knowing no one else would.

"I didn't get a call. Did any of you get a call?" Janie turned to the group—who was watching everything unfold between the two of them. Everyone shook their head, co-signing just as Moira expected them to.

"Y'all ain't get no call 'cuz I called Nikki." Her tone of voice suddenly became solemn. She wasn't with the bullshit anymore—Moira meant business. Either they would give her what she earned with hard work, or there would be a problem. An even bigger problem than now.

Though minimum wage could be considered high compared to other places such as Maryland, South/North Carolina, and other areas closer to the South, she still needed every dollar that she earned. Chicago was an expensive place to live so, if you weren't willing to put in the work, you couldn't stay there.

"Well Nikki's last day was Friday, so I don't know why you called her."

Moira's face straightened, completely unamused. "I called ha' 'cuz she a GM and I'an know she wasn't workin' hea' no more."

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