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FEB 5 2020

Michael was currently sound asleep in his bed, alongside Beauty. Typically, she'd be in her own bed, but she'd had a bad dream and woke up crying her eyes out. Michael just decided that she could sleep in his bed that night, but made sure to tell her that she would have to sleep in her room the next one.

Beauty felt that was reasonable, and enjoyed the time she had in Michael's room.

At first, Michael thought he was just dreaming and he'd only heard the noise in his imagination, but when there was another one, he woke up—dead out of his sleep. Beauty was still next to him, her body twisted as she slept in ways he would be uncomfortable in himself, so he knew it wasn't her.

Usually it was, because she was always waking up before him, but not now.

Michael cautiously got out of bed so that he wouldn't accidentally wake her, and he made his way to his closet where he kept his gun. Having a kid meant it had to be locked away at all times, so he had to unlock the gun holder to get it out. He made sure that it was loaded and quietly exited his bedroom.

Michael softly shut the door behind him, and with his finger trained on the trigger and ready to shoot, he went into the living room. When he saw Shanti standing before him, Michael smacked his teeth and rolled his eyes. "What the fuck is you doin, Shanti?" He exclaimed and lowered the gun to his side.

"You been ignorin' my calls?" She squinted at him with her arms folded, and Michael huffed as he placed the gun on the coffee table just feet away from him. It was true that he'd been ignoring her a little bit, but it was for a good reason—nor was he doing it deliberately. Beauty was occupying all of his time, and he didn't have time to be going to her house at night to have sex.

"Why the fuck you break into my goddamn house? I was really finna put a bullet through yo mothafuckin' head," He told her, and Shanti simply ignored what he said.

"Why the fuck you been ignorin' me, Michael? I'm not one ta' be played wit', okay?"

"I been busy," He shrugged. "I got a kid, my world don't revolve around you."

"See, you already twistin' my words. I'an even say allat. I jus' don't know why you feel the need ta' ignore me."

"I wasn't ignorin' you. I was spendin' time wit' my daughter," He jerked his head back, and his statement was true as well. Him quote unquote, ignoring her, was never on purpose. Just like he said, Beauty was his main priority.

"You was prolly out wit' some otha' bitch," Shanti chuckled bitterly causing Michael to roll his eyes again. She continued, "You'n gotta lie ta' me, Michel, I'an fuckin' stupid."

"Well you actin' like it, 'cuz I'an been out wit' nobody else. And even if I fuckin' was, das not yo fuckin' problem. We ain't together."

Michael felt a tiny hand just below his right knee, and he looked down to see Beauty looking up at him while rubbing her eye with her other. He picked her up, and asked, "I wake you up?"

Beauty wordlessly nodded her head before leaning on his shoulder and staring at the brown skin woman standing in front of her. "I'm sorry, mama," Michael apologized solemnly.

Shanti looked back at Beauty, resentment and jealousy crowding her dark brown eyes, before looking back to Michael. Before she could speak, Beauty did instead. "Daddy, I want candy."

"How you ask?" He tilted his head to look her in the face, and her eyes shifted in his direction.

"May I please have candy?"

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