365 22 28


DEC 24 2012

The tears fell down thirteen year old Moira's face as she stood in the bathroom of her aunt's modern craftsman home. She checked to make sure the door was locked so he wouldn't come back, and grabbed some tissue to wipe the blood off of her underwear and inner thighs, her hands shaking.

Initially—needless to say, even—she'd come to the bathroom to use it, but was surprised when Jay just walked in. She didn't lock the door because she didn't feel the need to, but that definitely would've saved her. Moira truly did try to call for help, but he was violent with her. He would hit her and tell her that if she even tried to tell someone, he would hurt her and the person that she told.

He finished with her, and left the bathroom as if nothing had ever happened to begin with. Moira didn't know what to do in this situation—was she supposed to tell somebody or just keep this entire situation to herself. She was scared to say anything to her mother, not because he threatened to hurt her, but whoever she told. In this case, it would've been her mother.

Now she decided that it was best to keep it to herself, in her opinion at least. She was scared of the consequences—would anyone believe her anyway? Moira didn't wanna find out.

She cleaned herself up, throwing the tissues in the toilet and flushing it down to make sure no one saw. In pain, she made her way to the mirror to look at the bruises on her neck and arms, not needing to look at her thighs to know there were some there too.

Happy to have a light jacket with her in addition to her coat, she put her blue fleece on and made her way downstairs, walking slow so the pain didn't get so bad. She looked around for her cousin to make sure he didn't pop up out of nowhere, and went into the kitchen where her aunts, uncles, and mother was. She approached her aunt that owned the house, Jay's mother, and tapped on her arm.

Uaine turned and looked down at her niece. "Wassup, Tiny?"

"Um, you got a pad?" she asked, her voice small and quiet. Uaine nodded her head, and motioned for Moira to follow her. The two went upstairs and into her bedroom where she received what she asked for.

"Yo stomach hurt?" Uaine asked, clearly under the assumption that Moira was on her period. She just went with it.

She nodded her head, because if she spoke she knew she would start crying. Uaine then asked Moira if she wanted Ibuprofen, and she again nodded in response.

"Okay. Go in my mini fridge and get one of them waters, I'ma be right back." Uaine left the room and Moira went to the black mini fridge beside her king-sized bed. She got a water from the cold compartment and when she turned around, Jay was standing behind her, a look of anger and irritation on his face.

She gasped, startled by his presence, and backed into the fridge. She didn't want him anywhere near her.

"Fuck is you doin?" he asked. Jay squinted his eyes at her.

"I'm jus' gettin' a water," she replied nervously, bringing her hand slightly up to show him the water. Uaine came into the room, not expecting to see her son.

"You need somethin', Javion?" she asked, and he shook his head, unfolding his arms.

"Nah, I was jus' talkin' ta' Moria," he claimed, looking her up and down. Moira got uncomfortable, her skin starting to crawl at how he was looking at her. Like he resented her... but wanted her. It left her confused and uncomfortable.

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