428 19 100

JAN 27 2020

TW - Mentions of S/A

Moira was handed the twenty dollar bill by the nice elderly black woman, and was smiling as she opened the register. She pulled out the change and happily handed it to the woman, receiving a polite thank you.

Today was one of her good days, and Moira typically didn't have a lot of those—so she tried to cherish it while it lasted.

As the old woman made her way out of the shop, she held the door open for someone else. Moira looked up and instantly, the smile on her face faded. Her eyes went to the floor as he greeted her, and she kept looking down, trying her best to avoid him.

Her other coworkers, who were in the back as usual, began pouring into the kitchen area to greet him. He was gone for a couple weeks because he was shot while running after her. Moira never found out who shot him, but she was grateful nevertheless.

A part of her even wished he'd died that night, but he didn't and now she no longer felt safe in her workplace where she was supposed to feel safe.

"Diggy, we missed you!" One of her coworkers exclaimed and let him behind the counter so they could all engulf him in a hug. Diggy chuckled as they practically suffocated him. "I'm glad to be back," He said to them.

"How did you even get shot?"

He shrugged his shoulders, looking over at Moira. She still kept her eyes on the ground, but could see him watching her from the corner of her eye. "Wrong place at the wrong time."

"Liar," Moira mumbled so lowly only she could hear herself, but she knew Diggy noticed her mumbling something because one of his brows raised. He ignored it and went to clock in using the computerized register. "Fortunately, no one else got hurt."

Moira spent the rest of her shift counting down the minutes until she could leave, and when that moment came, she didn't even bother to wait for the shift lead to dismiss her. She was just ready to get out of there.

She hurried to the bus stop and sat patiently for it to come—which wouldn't be for another ten minutes, but as long as he wasn't around her, there was no issue.

About five minutes passed and she felt someone approaching her causing her to instinctively look up. Sitting next to Moira was Diggy, and she immediately moved over and sat as far away from his as she possibly could. He stared at her for a moment, not saying anything.

Just staring.

"How you been, Moira?"

She said nothing, and only checked the time on her phone. She got the notification that there would be a delay, and her leg began to bounce, but she kept her composure and remained seated. She could see him move just an inch closer to her, and now she was really beginning to get anxious because there was no more room.

"You know it's gonna start rainin' soon, right?" He asked, and she looked to her left so she couldn't see him at all anymore. Moira heard Diggy sigh heavily. "Tough crowd, huh?"

"Aye!" They both heard, and Moira looked ahead of her. She saw Michael in his car, rolling down the window a little bit. Not even noticing she'd been holding her breath, she exhaled and started to stand. "You good, ma? Who dis?"

"A coworker," She informed him, making sure to speak a little louder than normal because the sound of passing traffic was polluting her surroundings.

Michael looked at Diggy, and the two made eye contact before he was looking back at her. "Lemme give you a ride," He said, and his doors instantly unlocked. "The bus will be coming soon," Diggy spoke, and Michael cocked a brow at him.

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