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JUL 20, 2014

A fifteen-year-old Moira tossed and turned in bed in the middle of the night. She was having by far the worst stomach pain she'd ever felt, and it was leaving her restless. She wasn't sure what was causing it because, as far as she knew, she wasn't bleeding. She would've told her mother that it was happening in the first placeif she could move.

All Moira could really do was hold her stomach, squirming in pain.

Thankfully, her crying alerted a once sleeping Iva. There was a knock on the door, and Iva ran into the room. She came to Moira's bedside, confused and half asleep, but terribly worried about her daughter's wellbeing.

She kneeled next to her, her hand resting on Moira's arm that clutched her stomach.

"Moira," she began. "Baby, whas' goin on?"

Moira began to feel like she couldn't even breathe through the pain. It was way too intense for her to even conjure up a response in her head. Iva grew more and more worried as time went on.

"Moira, tell me whas' wrong."

She cries harder, and this is when Iva left the room to go grab her phone. While dialing 911, she returned to Moira's room to be of comfort to her. She told the operator what was going on, as far as she was able to tell, and begged them to quickly send someone out.

Her request for a quick ride out must not have been enough because they took over ten minutes to get there. Had Moira been bleeding out or something along those lines, she wouldn't have made it.

When they finally did get there, they tried to ask themselves what was going on. When she didn't answer, they had to move her onto the stretcher and rolled her into the back of the ambulance. Iva grabbed two jackets, one for the both of them, grabbed her house and car keys, then sat in the back with her daughter.

When they got to the emergency room, they ended up having to strap her down so that they could get her in a position to do an ultrasound. She had herself curled in a ball and wouldn't listen to any of the doctors urging her to lay flat so they could help her. Her distress was rubbing off on everybody, especially her mother, whose eyes were filled with tears. It hurt to see her child like this.

Moira cried her eyes out, even with Iva trying to calm her. The only thing that would do the trick was the pain medication they gave hermorphine. It relaxed her, and she nearly dozed off. Mostly, the medication just had her in a daze.

The doctor sat quietly at the monitor, looking closely at it to find out what was going on. The doctor glanced at the nurse who was quick to come over. The young man's eyes widened before he was lowering his gaze, attempting to go unnoticed. But Iva had already seen.

"What is it?"

The doctor turned the monitor off and wiped Moira's stomach of the aloe vera gel. She turned to Iva and asked that she step out of the room for a moment. The nurse followed, and when they returned, they told Moira that they'd need to do a more invasive procedure. A type of ultrasound that would be done vaginally.

Moira wasn't awake enough to agree or disagree, so Iva allowed it. They wanted to be sure that they knew what they knew. They helped Moira get into some scrubs and her mother removed her pajama pants and undergarments. She sat in the room with her daughter, holding her hand tight to be of comfort.

Moira nearly dozed off a couple times, only because of the drugs in her system.

When they were done around thirty minutes later, they wheeled to a patient room and pulled Iva outside again. Moira found herself falling asleep for real this time, almost reaching that deep sleep she wanted after a long night, the door opened again.

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