Chapter Sixteen: Jingle Ball (Part One)

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"Liv! We are going to be late! Come on! We were supposed to already be there! Mom's going to kill us!" Jordan called out resting his hand on the staircase tapping his watch. Fixing the bowtie on his collar in the hallway mirror, Spencer looked towards Jordan breaking into a soft laughter. "J, you gotta chill. It's only 6:30 pm. We got half an hour and the venue is ten minutes away,". Jordan shook his head taking out his phone to show Spencer the traffic report. "Not when we are a week away from Christmas. Sure on a normal day, we might be ten minutes away but not this time of year. We'll be lucky to get there by seven,". Spencer walked over to Jordan fixing the collar of his shirt.

"Again J, you gotta chill. You know these girls. You gotta tell them to be ready half an hour earlier than we are supposed to leave,". Jordan grunted walking over to the full-length mirror in the hallway adjusting his suit jacket.

"I'm not going to lie, mom really did hook us up with these suits,". Spencer walked beside Jordan placing his hands in his pockets. "She wasn't joking when she told us she wanted us dressed to the nines. I don't know if I can eat wearing this suit. I'm afraid to crinkle it, let alone stain it,". Jordan checked himself out in the mirror, smoothing out his eyebrows. "This is an important day for my mom every year. She looks forward to it, and kind of goes all out,". Spencer raised his eyebrows shaking his head. "I could definitely tell,".

Tailored to their body, Jordan and Spencer both had chosen a Giorgio Armani black suit and bowtie with a white button-down underneath. The only difference was that Jordan had gone with the velvet suit while Spencer had chosen the classic.

Looking down at his outfit, Spencer never imagined himself in a $2,000 suit, let alone in a Giorgio Armani nonetheless. Before meeting the Baker's he used to rent his tux at the local suit shop in Crenshaw. Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought he'd end up wearing a suit that could pay his mother's mortgage for the month, to use only for the night. Even down to the cologne he'd been wearing, Spencer had smelt expensive.

Although he looked good in it, he did feel a bit out of his comfort zone, as suits were never his thing. He loved a good bomber jacket, a pair of jeans, and some clean white Nike air forces. Spencer was never one to dress up but on special occasions like tonight, he didn't mind it one bit. Buttoning the cuffs on his sleeves, Jordan grunted calling out for the girls once again.

"Liv! Come on we don't have all night!". A rush of heels rapidly clicked the hardwood floor, and the sound of his sister's voice made the boys walk back over to the stairs. "Jordan stop being a little baby boy. We are going to arrive on the dot. No need to get your panties in a bunch," Olivia rolled her eyes annoyed. "America's sweetheart everyone," Jordan spoke sarcastically. She scoffed in his direction before turning to Spencer who stayed silent watching her. Her gaze softened almost immediately while a slow smile spread on both of their lips.

Looking drop-dead gorgeous, Olivia slowed her steps, taking her time down the stairs to not trip and fall. Spencer's breathing hitched with every step she took, while his mouth slightly parted watching Olivia. He'd been memorized by her beauty, taking in every inch of her. Leaving her curls loose, Olivia wore an emerald sequence green maxi dress with a slit that exposed her upper left thigh, and black heels to match.

Making her way down, she walked over to Spencer wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him. "Remind me why we don't dress up more often?" Olivia softly spoke against his lips. Feeling a smile appear on Spencer's, he hummed at her words. "If I get to see you in a dress like this one, I wouldn't mind it one bit,". Olivia agreed. "Me neither,". A groan was followed by a clear of a throat from beside them when they both turned to see Jordan annoyed, and impatient as always.

"Can you both keep the PDA to a minimum tonight? I would actually like to keep my food down. I don't need to see you two making out every minute,". Olivia scrunched her face at her brother. "You're lucky we kind of have to since we haven't told our parents yet, or else we'd sit across from you, and make out just to bother you,". Jordan sighed a relief.

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