Hai Guys :3

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Did ya miss me? I missed you~

Like for real I did. I missed like reading your awesome comments and death threats XD

Anywhore, that is why I'm writing this. That's right. This is what you've been waiting for. INFO FOR THE NEXT BOOK!!! *presses a button and cheering is sound in the background*

I'm sooo excited guys OuO

Okay so the first chapter will be up by hmmm... let's say two weeks (earlier if I have the time ;) ) but I still need a naaaaaame. I'm so bad with names like ugh XD




Actually.... I think I may call it Staying Strong

How's that sound?



Okie ._.

Lol so Imma actually start writing chapter one after I publish this so yeahhhhh

See you soon my homoreos~


P.S. Y'all are gonna hate me with the first chapter >:3

From The Top (Sequel to Oh. My. Gods)Where stories live. Discover now