Chapter 3: Charmer

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AN: hello my homoreos! i feel sooooooooooooooooo bad i have not updated in a while, but my life has been crazy lately........ i has made a new account! Jeff_The_Killer1215! sooo.... yeah..... that is all.... read on!


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Nico's POV:

When I finished packing, I sat on Percy's bed. Since then, it's been 30 minutes. Where the heck can that boy be? If he expects me to stay sitting here until he comes back, he's got another thing coming.

I defiantly stood off the bed. Quickly fixing my hair, I stepped out of the cabin. When I looked around, I immediately thought, 'Damn, I'm screwed...'

I mean, this camp was HUGE! It had to be more than 40 acres. Taking a deep breath, I started walking around.

*le time skippy skip*

I had literally walked around the entire camp and finally made it to the entrance. Tired, I decided to sit near the tall pine tree. I sat there for no more than 5 minutes when a boy stumbled in and fell next to me near the tree.

I couldn't stop staring. This boy was GORGEOUS! He was a about 6'6", a good foot and two inches taller than me. His face was still a bit boyish, but that added to his cuteness factor. He had long black hair that reached just past his ears. He was wearing a tight black shirt that complimented his muscles perfectly. And I will not go into detail about what those skinny jeans do to his a-

"Hey," the boy said, "What's your name?"

Oh my god! His voice is amazing. All husky and deep and did my pants just get tighter...

"Um bro? Can you speak dude?" the guy asked. He snapped his fingers in front of my face, bringing me out of my daze.

"U-um yeah," I said smartly. "My name is Nico. What's yours?"

"Johnny," he smiled.

I smiled slightly. This guys was just so cute. Do you think he would care or notice if I got closer? What would he think of me complimenting him on his looks? What about-

"There you are!" Percy's voice called.

'Ugh! Why did he have to come?' I mentally whined.

Percy's form bounded over until I could see his handsome features clearly. I quickly glanced tp Johnny and back. Damn, I can't tell who's hotter...

"I've been looking everywhere for you," Percy stated. "You have no idea how worried I was."

"Couldn't have been much since we just met," I countered raising an eyebrow.

Oops, Percy's face clouded slightly with pain. His eyes flashed with something, but it disappeared before I could decipher it. He stretched out and grabbed my arm.

"C'mon Nico, we have to go." He tugged a bit harshly on my arm, causing me to stumble after him.

"See ya Nico!" called Johnny.

"Bye!" I returned. I sighed. With two fiery hot guys around me, how do people expect me to choose one?

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AN: yay chapter 3! It's kinda sucky but I hope u enjoy


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