Christmas Special

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AN: Hey guys. This little one-shot is not part of the plot line of FTT. If you wish not to read it, you will not miss out on anything. And guess what? You'll have to see at the bottom of the chapter ^•^



Percy's POV:

Laughter bubbled all around me as the Seven and Nico sat around my living room. A fire was crackling in the small fireplace, a couple of stockings hanging there. Twinkling lights were wrapped around the pine tree. Snow fell softly outside the window, making the Christmas scene perfect.

I fiddled nervously with my hands. Annabeth put a comforting hand on my shoulder. I smiled at her, thankful for her support.

"It's not that hard, Perce," she whispered quietly.

"Not so bad? I don't know what the others will think of me. Hades, I don't know what Nico will think of me. He was born in the 1930's and was most likely raised to think it was bad to be gay."

She sighed. "It shouldn't matter what the others think. And you'll never know what he thinks or how he feels if you don't try."

"The spell will work great, too," she added cheerfully.

I looked to the doorway, seeing the mistletoe hanging there. I made a child of Hecate enchant it so that when Nico walks under it, he'll be stuck until I kiss him.

Oh yeah, I'm gay. Annabeth knows and she's totally cool with it. Thank gods. Then again, the others don't know that I'm gay. They think that Annabeth and I are a couple meant to last.

Annabeth nudged my shoulder and pointed at the doorway. Nico and Jason were walking and talking, and they were about to walk under my trap.

As soon as Nico took one step in the doorway, he froze. His feet were together, hands at his sides, a confused look on his face. Jason also looked confused and stared down at Nico. He tried to move, but he was stuck. He glared at Jason who managed to walk past the mistletoe.

"Grace, you better not have played a part in this," he growled dangerously under his breath.

Jason sputtered a bit, frantically shaking his head to say he didn't know what was going on.

"Now's your chance Seaweed Brain. Go get your man!" Annabeth cheered.

I rolled my eyes at her and stood up. I strode up to Jason and Nico. Nico looked at me and I smiled at him.

"You seem to be in a bit of a predicament," I said and pointed upwards.

Nico cautiously glanced up. When he saw the mistletoe, a huge blush spread across his face. He looked back at me with wide eyes.

"I... I uh..."

I smiled at his flustered expressipn before stepping closer. "I can help you get out of that situation," I whispered in his ear.

His face turned even redder if that was even possible. I chuckled and cupped his face. I slowly lowered myself until our lips were a centimeter away. I could feel his nervous breath against my mouth. I licked my lips before leaning forward to capture his with mine.

Nico automatically kissed back and I mentally cheered. I smiled against his cold mouth. I tilted my head to the right to deepen the kiss, Nico doing the same. The kiss was sweet, soft, slow. Exactly what I imagined it to be.

After what felt like an eternity, I pulled away. Nico bit his bottom lip to hold back a smile. He failed. Happiness spread across his face like a wildfire. I returned the smile he wore and took his hand.

A sharp pain hit my cheek anf I looked at Nico in surprise. "That's for trapping me with magic," he growled. He then reached up and kissed my cheek. "That was for... yeah," he mumbled.

I grinned at him. Everyone was clapping and I looked at them in surprise. But I didn't care, honestly. As long as I can call Nico mine.


AN: Idt y'all will care, but it's my birthday (12-15 not 12-14. I just couldn't wait :3). Yaaaaaay!!! So happy :3 anywhore, hope you liked.


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