Chapter 2: -insert title here-

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AN: hello my homoreos (homo+oreos xD) here's an update for y'all! Ik you guys probs won't care, but i just came back from a competition on sunday and we won!! my writer's block left (momentarily) and i wrote this! enjoy.

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Percy's POV:

Nico and I walked side by side to The Poseidon cabin. He looked around in awe. As we passed the stables, a loud barking came from inside.

"Whoa! What was that?" asked Nico peering in curiously.

His eyes widened when Mrs. O'Leary came bounding up to him, giving him a nice, long, wet lick. I laughed as Nico practically drowned in hellhound slobber. Mrs. O'Leary's tail wagged as she got off of Nico, helping him up.

"What the hell is that?" Nico asked.
I stared at the drool dripping off of him for a bit before answering him. "It's a hellhound. More specifically, my hellhound Mrs. O'Leary."

Nico warily approached the tender hellhound to scratch her behind the ears. Her ginormous tail wagged and pounded the ground. A flash of blonde in the back of the are a caught my eyes.

Annabeth was sitting on the bleachers. It didn't look very suspicious, but I was wondering how in Hades's name did she get here. She was looking right at me with her bleak gray eyes.

Apparently, Nico saw me staring at her and her staring at me. A mischievous grin crept up his face.

"What's her name?" he asked.

"Annabeth," I responded without looking at him.

He raised a sly eyebrow. "Is Annabeth your girlfriend?" A teasing tone was in his voice, a hint of disappointment deep in.

"Wh-What? No! I mean, psh. Of course not! I wouldn't..." my voice trailed off by the end of the phrase.

Nico blushed a bit at the end. "If she's not your girlfriend, why is she looking at you hungrily?"

I shrugged. I was sorta blushing at Nico's choice of words. Placing a hand on his shoulder, I led him away to the cabins. Everyone looked at us funny as we walked by. The Apollo cabin especially. Finally, we reached a familiar trident-marked door. The Poseidon cabin.

I led Nico inside. He looked around the cabin, scrutinizing everything.
"Not bad," he stated, "but too much blue for my taste."

Of course that was what he would judge. Shaking my head, I went over to the closet. I rummage around a bit before finding just what I was looking for. I threw the bag at him. Barely catching it, he looked at me curiously.
"Before you lost your memory, you stayed here with me for a while," I smirked when he blushed a bright red. "Now you start packing while I'll be right back."

He nodded and opened one of the drawers. I looked at him one more time before walking out the cabin. I walked toward a specific cabin that was around the edge of the camp. I was about to do something I never thought I would do. Ask for help from a Hecate child.

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AN: grr this was crappy!!! i apologize for that guys, but i swear i'll have a better chapter next time. it'll start getting closer to the climax. kay baii


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