Chapter 11: Cuddles and Cake

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Nico's POV:

The door opened and light flushed in. I was facing the wall, blanket wrapped tightly around me. Footstepes neared the bed, coming closer and closer.

"Nico," Percy's voice said softly."I ran a bath."

I ignored him and puffed out my cheek, looking miffed.

"Niiiicooooo!" Percy whined.

(AN: Scene taken from Love Stage!! XD If you've watched the anime or read the manga, you're awesome. If you've done both, I love you so much ♥)

I sighed. I attempted to turn but winced. Pain flared through my ass and up my lower back. Oh god this hurt. It feels like a towel dipped in lava smacked me a thousand times.

"Can you move?"

Embarrassed, I shook my head. Percy walked over to me and picked me up bridal style. I cried out. I gently started smacking my hands against his chest.

"No! Stop it hurts!" I whined.

Percy ignored me. He kicked open the bathroom door, strolling in carelessly. He gently set down my naked body in the water. Tears pricked my eyes. The water felt nice but having to sit on the hard porcelain hurt.

Percy sat on the edge of the toilet. "Erm.... sorry if I was too rough.... you should've told me I was hurting you..."

An image of me pulling away from Percy and running into the woods flashed in my mind. I faintly remember him telling me that Bianca was dead. That she died on some 'quest.'

It had come to me in a dream. I remember me yelling at him, blaming him for her death. I had woken up with a feeling of conplete dread. I know it actually had been a memory. I just wish it wasn't.

Fingers were snapping in front of my face. "Um... sorry." I looked at him as I spoke, " Look, it may have hurt. A lot actually, but I wanted it. Pleasure overpowered that pain in the end. Though I will be sore for a while, I wted this to happen. I wanted you because... because I love you, Percy."

Percy teared up. He wrapped his arms around me. "I love you too. So much. Now, let's get you washed."

He grabbed the shampoo bottle and squirted some on my head. Fingers massaged through my hair, making me relax. I leaned back against the wall and closed my eyes.

*short mini time skip*

I dried my hair off with a towel, walking to the living room with a slight limp. Percy was sitting on the couch. Finding Nemo was in the DVD player. It was just waiting to be played.

I sat down next to Percy, wincing at the pressure on my butt. He wrapped his arm around me. I snuggled into his side.

"I want cake," I suddenly said out of the blue.

Percy snickered. "But I thought you liked lollipops."

My face heated up a bit. "Oh grow up Percy."

"Chill, I was just kidding. I'll go get you a slice of cake. Is chocolate okay?"

I perked up. "Yes."

He pressed his lips to my temple and stood up. I sat there as he got me the cake. Flashes of memory kept appearing at random times, and I'm starting to remember more and more. My favorite one was when I first met him. The day when he saved me and my sister. He's my hero.

Percy walked back in with two plates with cake. He plopped down beside me, handing me a plate. I gladly accpceted it, stuffing a forkful in my mouth. Percy chuckled. He grabbed the remote off the coffee table and pressed play. The movie started and I pressed against Percy's side.

Half way into the movie we were cuddling. More like spooning but whatever. My back was against his chest, our legs tangled, his hands around my waist. I was so content with this little moment we had.

The door to the apartment opened and Sally walked in. "Oh hello Percy, Nico. I hope my baby boy wasn't too rough on you last night," she teased.

Percy sputtered in mortification. My face was so hot that I was sure I looked like a fire truck. I covered my face. This is so embarrassing.

"I'm just teasing, boys. Don't get your boxers in a twist." She walked into the kitchen, soft peals of laughter trailing behind her.

Percy looked at me seriously. "Next time, we make sure my parents are not home."

"Who says there'll be a next time?" I snickered.

"Oh shut up."


AN: OMFG I love Sally ♥

QOTC: Who's ever been mortified by their parents in front of a crush or a boy/girlfriend?

Also, girls out there, what do you do when your friend tries to kiss you? She just leaned into me in the middle of the hall and tried to kiss me. Idk what to do now. What if she tries it again? I need halp... o.o


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