Chapter 1: Who Are You?

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Nico's POV:

"Who are you?"

The question rang through the silence. The guy above me was staring at me with and anguished expression. It clouds his gorgeous sea-green eyes. Eyes as deep as the ocean itself. Hmmm, I wonder if he has a girlfriend or boyfriend...

The horse-man cleared his throat. "I'm sorry Percy, but he obviously does not remember you, or me, or any of us. There is a chance that we can uncover those memories that are probably hidden deep within. If not, there is no way we can recover the Nico you knew," he said grimly.

Whoa, I knew these people? If that's true, why can't I remember them? And, hey, pretty boy didn't answer my previous question.

I coughed. "I ask again, who are you?"

Pretty boy seemed to snap out of his daze. "Nico, I'm Percy." his eyes teared up. "You really don't remember me?"

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, but I don't. Hey do you know my sister Bianca?"

Percy hung his head and nodded. I wonder what's up with him.

"Is she here? Do you know where she is?" I asked hopefully.

This time, the horse-man answered, "I'm sorry Nico, but Bianca is... dead."

My heart shattered. The only person that understood how hellish my life was... is dead? Tears flooded my eyes. I refused to believe it. Bianca can't be dead, she has to be alive. But if she was alive, why wasn't she here?

"What about my mother?" I asked cautiously.

Horse-man sighed. "I know not, my boy. She may still be in Italy."

We're not in Italy? I thought we were. The only other place we could be was probably America. Yeah, we have to be there.

Pretty boy, err Percy, coughed. He looked to the horse-man (I have gotta learn his name at some point) and horse-man nodded. He tapped the nurse's shoulder and they both left, leaving Percy and me alone.

An awkward silence stretched between us. Out of habit, he stretched his hand out to take mine. His fingers grazed my palm and I pulled my hand back again and looked down. The ghost of his fingers on my hand left a tingly feeling.

I looked back up only to see a hurt look on Percy's face. Seeing that made me wonder, what were we when I knew him. Were we friends? Cousins? Did we go to the same school? Oh well, maybe I'll never know.

"Nico, where do you want to stay? You can either stay here in this camp with Chiron, or go home with me and my mom," he asked.

Is Chiron the name of the horse-man? I'll ask later.

"Percy, if you don't mind, I would like to stay with you... if that's okay..."

Percy grinned and nodded. He helped me up and led me out the door.

_* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *_

AN: the chapters in this story are gonna be pretty short.


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