Chapter 12: Forgiveness and Rememberances

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Percy's POV

*a week later*

I laughed with glee as Nico chased me through the apartment. I dodged the pillows he was throwing at me and kept on running. I never dared to look back, fearing a pillow thrown at my face.

"I'm gonna get you, Jackson!"

I ducked into a corner of the room. Nico skid to a stop in front of the corner, looking for me. I mentally evil-laughed. I jumped out and scooped him in my arms. He squealed in surprise. Lowering him slightly, I captured his lips with mine.

We stood there, kissing for what felt like forever. Nico was the one to pull away, panting slightly. I continued to pepper kisses all over his face.

I heard Nico sigh in content. "... You know, I never really blamed youbfor Bianca's death..."

My head snapped up in surprise.

"Yeah, I knew it was her choice, but I was a ten year old kid who lost all the family he had. "

He started to tear up. I  wiped them away with my thumbs.

"I ran into the labyrinth to escape my feelings. At the time, I didn't know what it was, I just knew it was strong. That's why I thought it was hate. But then I realized, I didn't hate you. I loved you. That ten year old kid loved you from the beginning all the way to now."

I refrained from smiling. He was remembering. He remembered.

"When you brought me here for New Year's," he continued, " I was elated. When I kissed you, it was the best mistake ever. Up until getting stabbed obviously. But without that kiss, I would never be able to call you mine."

I grabbed his hands and intertwined our fingers. I can't believe he's remembering. And he's remembering everything.

He looked me square in the eyes. "I love you. I really do. But I'm also scared. Especially since we already..... made love and we're not even like married yet.

Although we don't have to ever get married if you don't want to!", he added hastily.

He ran a hand through his shaggy brown hair. "I'm scared you're going to leave me. I know it's silly, but I don't want to lose you too. You're the only thing that's keeping me alive. If you leave me, I don't know what I'd do. I'd fall into the darkness again. A darkness worse than Tartarus. I just want to be with you. I want you to stay with me..."

I leamed forward and pressed my lips to his. "I would never hurt you. I know I did in the past with Annabeth and all that, but I did it unintentionally. I would never hurt you on purpose. Ever. And for marriage. I would love to someday. But not someday soon. We'd have to wait obviously. But I want to be with you. I'll stay with you, by your side, forever."

Nico smiled slightly. "Forever and always."

"Forever and always."


AN: Grrr I feel like thiw was a half-assed chapter. I hope it's okay. Just a few more chapters 'till the end. Whaaaat? Crazy right? Next chapter will be a little Percico X-mas special that won't be relevant to this story. It's a seperate little mini story. Read it if you want. Ihdc


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