Chapter 13: Going Back

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AN: Hey guys. This'll be the last chapter.... omfg last chapter. I can't believe it. It feels like just yesterday I started this ;-; Thank you all for reading this. I love you all!!!! Stay tuned on this story for info on the third book!!


(Btw, Sally was 3 months pregnant in Dec., it's June now so she'd be at 9 so she.ll be popping soon :P)

Nico's POV:

*several months later*

I walked out the door and breathed in the warm early summer air. One hand clasped my bag, heavy with my clothes. The other was held by my lover's hand. Percy's hand. The thought made me smile slightly and intertwine my fingers with his. I felt him grip my hand a bit tighter. I looked up at him to see his smiling face looking down at me.

I looked at the door behind us when it opened, Sally waddling out of it. Her big belly made it a bit difficult to walk. She threw her arms around both of us, pulling us as close to her as possible.

"Oh I'm gonna miss you guys!" she exclaimed.

Percy kissed his mother's cheek. "We'll miss you too, Mom. You have to swear you'll tell us when the baby's coming, kay?"

"Of course I will, Percy. The little munchkin will have to know who his brother is. And maybe in due time, he'll know that big bro is a hero."

I looked between the two. Percy was smiling brightly and Sally looked like she was on the verge of tears as she turned towards me. I blame the hormones.

"And of course he'll have to know his future uncle!"

I felt my face burn hot. Percy looked at his mom in surprise, his face cherry red. "Mom!" he complained in horror.

Sally looked at him in amusement. "I'm just teasing," she said. She turned to me and loudly whispered in my ear, "Although he is totally gling to marry you."

"No I'm not!" Percy said. A blush burned his face.

"Are to! I read your diary," Sally smirked triumphantly.

The color drained from Percy's face. "I'm not!"

"Are to!"

"Am not!"

"Liar liar pants on fire!"

I laughed loudly, doubling over. This was amazing. I loved Sally so much

"Anyway Mom, we gotta go! See ya," he said as he pecked her cheek. He grabbed my hand again and picked up our bags.

The taxi pulled up at the curb. We waved to Sally, telling her to say goodbye to Paul for us. We went down the apartment stairs and out the front door in the lobby.

We quickly hurried to the taxi and put our things in the trunk. (AN: Idk if this is actually what you do. I've never been in a taxi lol XD) We both got into the back.

Percy told him where to go and we were ofd. I leaned on Percy the whole drive, his arm wrapped tenderly around our shoulder. The driver kept shooting us disgusted looks and glares. I rolled my eyes and, just to annoy him, leaned up and placed a quick peck on Percy's lips.

The driver turned to the front and didn't look back for the rest of the ride.

*le time skippy skip*

Percy paid the man and got out pf the car. I followed after him, going to the back to get our bags. We popped open the trunk and lifted them out.

We walked, hand in hand, up Half-blood Hill. We passed Thailia's tree where Peleus was curled around the base, snoozing softly. The Golden Fleece glittered in the sunlight. A breath escaped my lips when we passed through the borders. It's good to be home.

The campers stared at us as we passed. I curled into myself and tried to take my hand out of Percy's grip. He looked at me softly, only love shone in his eyes. I inhaled deeply, letting it out through my nose. I gripped his hand more firmly and walked with my head held high.

We walked to the Poseidon cabin and walked in. We dropped our bags on the floor and flopped down on his bed.

Percy grabbed my small hand in his larger ones. He played with my fingers and I held back a laugh. It tickles. Percy noticed this, a devilish grin crossing his face. My eyes widened when he pounced on me. His fingers dug into my sides. He moved them in the right spot. I was thrown into a giggling fit. My sides and cheeks hurt from laughing so hard. I kicked my feet in the air, hoping to escape. It was to no avail. Tears pricked my eyes and poured over.

"C-c-cahahan't.... breahehethe!" I managed to gasp out in between laughs.

His fingers stopped moving. He smiled down at me in triumph. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down for a kiss. The dance our lips had practiced many times  was preformed in the sweet, soft kiss. Due to lack of air, we finally had to pull away.

We looked into each others eyes and I just though,

'It's great to be back.'


AN: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! This is the last chapter guys. See you next time. I love you all!!!


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