Surprise Chapter!!!

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AN: Because it's Christmas Eve, this is your early present. An extra surprise chapter!!! Hope you guys like it!!!


(Btw this is a few days later)


Percy's POV:



I groaned in annoyance as the phone rang nonstop. Nico stirred beside me so I hurridly grabbed the phone, hoping he wouldn't wake up. I ran a hand through my hair.

"Hello?" I rasped in a husky I-just-woke-up voice.

"Percy, it's Paul." Obviously.

"What's up?"

"It's your mom." I immediately woke up at those words. "She's going to have the baby!"

I jumped out of bed and rushed to the closet. I grabbed some shorts, tucking the phone between my shoulder and ear as I put them on.

"Is she okay? Are you at the hospital?"

"We're not there yet," he sounded worried. "She seems to be in great pain and there's a lot of blood. More than there should be."

I could feel the blood rush away from my face. "I'll be right there." I hung up before I could hear anything else.

I turned toward the bed and saw Nico rubbing his eye with his fist. He yawned, his nose scrunching up cutely.

"Wasgoing on?" he asked sleepily.

"Mom's having the baby."

He looked surprised and got out of bed. He put on a shoes and a shirt, but he was still in pajama pants. I quickly threw on the first shirt I got my hands on. Slipping my feet into a pair of sandals, Nico and I rushed out the door.

We didn't think about the risk of getting caught by the harpies. It's three in the morning but fuck caution right now.

We ran through the camp and passed the border. I cursed under my breath when I realized that we had no car. We needed a ride now.

"Fuck it," Nico muttered beside me. He grabbed my hand and started running toward a tree. Darkness captured us as we shadow-traveled to where my parents were.

We appeared in Paul's car. Nico in the front passanger seat and me in the back where my mom was. She was moaning in pain, her nails digging into her skin, her breathing labored.

"Holy shit!" Paul exclaimed in fright.

I ignored him. "Mom, grab my hand."

She grabbed tight to my hand and squeezed hard. I breathed slowly and deeply, trying to coax her to do the same.

"At the next contraction push, okay?" She nodded and we waited.

She started pushing. "One... two... three... four... five... six... seven... eight... nine... ten! Okay deep breatg in."

Paul was right. There was way too much blood. We had to get to the hospital and quickly.

*time skip*

I carried Mom's smallish frame into the hospital. Nico and Paul called for nurses as someone with a wheelchair rushed to us. I placed Sally on it and they took her away from me. We followed behind them as fast as we could. Doctors and nurses were rushing everywhere. It was a struggle to keep up but we managed.

The doctors wheeled her into a room. I tried to follow, but a nurse stopped me.

"You can't go in there, son," he said seriously. "You have to wait here."

I glared at him as we walked off but complied. I sat in a chair and placed my head in my hands. Small, familiar hands rubbed circles on my back and I looked up to smile at Nico gratefully.

The only thing that worried me were the things I heard from the nurses going in and out of that room. Things like, "Doesn't look good..." "... too much blood."

"Might not make it..."


AN: Dun dun duuuuuuun! Cliffhanger. Book three will come out in February. I will post the name on here when I think of it. Please don't kill me... *hides away*


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