Chapter 10: -insert clever name here-

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This chapter will contain boy on boy action. If you do not like/approve of this, do not read the smut. I will put markers as to where it starts and where it ends.

For thos of you who do enjoy smut, it is my first time writing it so do not judge if it's bad

Kay read on



Nico's POV

"Wha- Mmph!" I waz cut off when Percy pressed his lips to mine.

I squirmed under him slightly, trying to pry my arms free. Percy growled in the back of his throat and tightened his grip. My bottom lip was taken between his teeth and was tugged slightly. I choked back a moan, hands breaking free of his hold to tangle in his hair.

His hands went down to my thighs and he lifted me up. I let out a little yelp of surprise. He chuckled slightly, caressing my face.

"You're so adorable, Neeks," he murmered dreamily.

My face flushed. "D-don't call me that," I managed to stutter out.

He laughed, " Only 'cause it's you asking me that and only because I love you. I love you so much, and even though you don't remember, I'm sorry it took me so long to realize. I'm sorry for all those times I didn't spend with you." He placed his forhead against mine. "I now regret not spending more time with you. I regret not getting to know you better, but most of all, I regret not loving you sooner."

My heart soared. It's true, I don't really know what he means, but what he said made my heart throb. I grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him in.

"Oh Percy, I love you too."

Our lips connected once again, but this time, in a gentler way. It wasn't exactly innocent but it wasn't anything lustful either. All our love, passion, frustration, joy, and everything in between was poured into that kiss. It was an intiment moment I never wanted to end.

Of course, like all good things, it did at one point. I stared into Percy's eyes for a second before his head dipped down, peppering kisses all over my neck. I sighed in content and moved my head to the side to give him better access. He kissed around for a while, seeming to search for something. I shakily breathed out when he kissed along my collarbone.

"Found it," he muttered against my skin.

He bit down, making me cry out. I ran my finger through his soft, black hair. He suckled a bit on the bite, lapping at it with his tongue. Warm hands slipped under my shirt and felt the slightly-visible muscles. (AN: Gets slightly more intense here......) He tugged it up and over my head, leaving me topless and feeling self-conscious.

Percy's kisses trailed lower. His warm, moist lips brushed against my chest before settling in one place. A tongue trailed across my nipple and I cried out in pure and utter embarrassment.

"H-ha-ahhh d-don't do th-tha-that!" I said shakily.

Percy smirked up at me. "Don't do what? This?" He grinned and took my nipple between his teeth.

I meweled. Not moaned, meweled. Percy chuckled, his breath ghosting over my chest, making my nipples hard. He sucked on the right one while pinching and twisting the left. I squirmed against the wall, desperately trying to get closer.

I was suddenly thrown on the bed, Percy climbing on top of me. I blushed slightly and grabbed his shirt. I tugged gently, implying that I wanted. It. Off. He smirked and pulled it over his head. I couldn't help but stare. Toned abs, chiseled muscles, tan skin. This guy was like a god. He made me feel even more self-conscious about my scrawny pale body.

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