Chapter 5: Meeting Sally...... Again

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Percy's POV (brought to you by amazing me XD):

I carefully led Nico to my cabin. He was shaking badly, his teeth chattering. It wasn't necessarily cold outside. He's probably still shaken up.

"Nico," I murmured softly, "would you like something to drink? I could get you something from the mess hall..."

"H-how about s-some h-hot chocolate?"

I nodded and escorted him into my cabin. He sat down on the bed, pulling his knees up to his chest. I found an extra blanket and wrapped it tenderly around Nico's shoulders.

"Stay put, okay? I'll be right back."

Nico nodded slowly and held on tightly to the blanket. I slipped out of the door and made my way to the mess hall, where a certain satyr was eating a styrofoam cup.

"Percy!" Grover bleated in happiness.(AN: YAY!!! I added Grover :3)

"Hey G-man. Haven't seen you in a while," I grinned widely and put my arm around his shoulders.

"I've been busy. Protecting nature and still taking time to be wiwith Juniper is hard, you know?"

"Not really," I shrugged. "Guess who's back."


"Nico di Angelo."

"What?!" Grover asked. " When did he get back?"

"A couple of months ago. He's lost his memory. Annabeth stabbed him a few days ago. With a poisoned dagger."

"Dang. I hope he's okay."

"He's in my room right now. I actually came to get him a hot chocolate."

"I'll get it," he said. " Then I could go back there to see him!"

"Sure Grover."

He trotted away to get the drink. I hopped he put extra chocolate. I found out in the two months before the accident that he really loves sweets.

I stared across the camp, seeing the few demigods going along with their business. I didn't really see anyone I knew.... until I looked to the volleyball court and saw Annabeth.

I stared at her while she was walking, accidentally catching her eye. I glared as Annabeth started walking toward me. I didn't want to talk to her.

"Percy," she said softly.

"What?" I snapped harshly.

She winced. "He doesn't remember he loved you. I can erase the wrong that he set in your mind."

"You think he forced me to be this way? You're messed up."

"You never though of breaking up with me till he came back!" she screamed.

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe I never loved you?!" I shot right back.

Her bottom lip trembled slightly. "You don't mean that."

I glared at her coldly "Yeah. I do."

She turned and ran away just as Grover was coming back. "Dude, what was that about?"

I shook my head slightly. "Nothing. Come on."

We walked silent all the way to my cabin. I picked up the pace when we were close and opened the door. Nico was still sitting on the bed right where I left him. I sighed in relief and motioned Grover in.

"Ah! What the heck?!" Nico exclaimed and cowered in fear.

I looked over to Grover who looked hurt. His eyes filled with tears and his lower lip trembled. I sighed deeply and turned back to Nico.

"This is just Grover. He's part goat. He brought you the hot chocolate."

Nico looked between me and Grover then sat up normally. Grover walked forward and handed Nico the cup. The boy gingerly put his lip to the cup and rank some. His eyes widend and he licked his lips.

"This is delicious! Soooo much chocolate!" He drank some more. "Thank you Grover!"

Grover's face brightened. He bleated with glee. His face turned red and he shifted on his hooves awkwardly.

"No problem." he muttered. He turned around and gallopped away.

"He seemed cheerful," Nico said with a chocolate mustache.

I chuckled softly. He was so cute. "That's Grover for you. Ready to go?"

He nodded, discarded his cup, and grabbed his stuff. Here goes nothing....

*timeskip caus I am a lazy a$$*

I walked into the apartment. I dropped mine and Nico's stuff and grabbed his hand.

"MOM!!!!! I'm HOOOOOOOME!!!"

"Percy!" my mom said as she entered the room. "I see Nico's with you," she said as she smiled warmly.

Nico pressed up against my side, seeming to want to hide behind me.

"Mom, he doesn't remember you, or me for that matter."

"Oh Percy," she said sadly. "I'm sorry. Hi, I'm Percy's mom, Sally."

"H-hello Sally," Nico said shyly.

Mom ruffled his hair. "Don't be sso scared honey. If you want, you can stay in Percy's room."

"Yeah," I said, "I'll sleep on the floor."

Nico nodded and I grabbed our stuff. I led him to my room and managed to open the door with my foot.

Nico sighed and sat on my bed. "Your mom sees nice," he said, yawning.

"Yeah," I said. "She is."

From The Top (Sequel to Oh. My. Gods)Where stories live. Discover now