Chapter 6: Hi Percy...

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Nico's POV:

I put my head in my hands as I sat on the edge of Percy's bed. He had left a few minutes ago to go take a shower. My things were sitting around me, waiting to be packed. Percy told me to just put my things wherever, not really seeming to care.

I sighed. This was so boring. I got up and started wandering his room. He had random little trinkets lying around. I moved to a corner and picked up a piece of fabric.

It was a sweater. I looked it over wearily and breathed out when I saw it was most likely clean. I leaned aagainst the shadowy corner and smeeled the hood.

'Mmm it smells like Percy,' I thoufht happily.

A sudden cold feeling washed over me, causing me to drop the sweater. Darkness surounded me. It seemed as if the shadows were enveloping me. I started breathing hard, panicking. I tried and I tried to fight against the shadows, but I couldn t

A gust of air cause me to close my eyes. I felt like I wasn't really there anymore. Sounds rushed past my ears, making me flinch. I was glad when I finally stopped, wondering where I was.

I opened my eyes, but the shadows were still there. The sound of water and the heat of the place stirred confusion. The shadows slowly started to peel back and water splashed against my face. Where the hell am I?

I turned beet red as I can face to chest with a..... um.... naked Percy.

"Holy shit!!" Percy exclaimed, trying to cover his unmentionables.

I squeaked. Actually literally squeaked. Any words that were trying to be formed were getting lodged in my throat. I struggled with trying not to look too far down. I turned around and looked down at my soaked feet.

"Uh.... h-hi P-p-percy," i said. My voice rose a few octaves at the end.

"Oh my gods! Nico! What the heck are you doing here?"

I turned back around, keeping my eyes glued to my feet. I saw Percy's arms go on my shoulders, meaning he uncovered himself. The water all of a sudden stopped hitting me. Why? I don't know.

One hand cupped my chin and started to will my head up. I forced my eyes to close, refusing to even imagine seeing anything like that.

"Open your eyes Nico," Percy's stern voice demanded.

I cautiously opened my eyes to meet his sea-green ones. The intensity in them made a shiver travel down my spine. I struggled with keeping my eyes on his, our closeness reminding me he was very much naked.

"How? How did you get in here?" Percy asked seriously.

"I-I don't know! I was in y-your room and, and the shadows in the corner seemed to swallow me!" I wailed in fright.

Percy muttered something that sounded like "shadow travel" under his breath. He turned around and shut off the water. I got a not so discreet look at his butt. I turned even redder.

Petcy grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. I sighed in relief, knowing there would be no more problems of staring under the belt line. Although, his chest was very much distracting....

"Come on, Nico," Percy said as he got out of the shower.

I followed behind. He dropped his towel and I turned around quickly. I heard the sound of fabric against skin. When it stopped, I turned around to a clothed Percy. It would've been nicer if he didn'thave a shirt but whatever.

Percy flicked his hand and I was dry. No trace of water on me. I looked at him in confusion. Was that even possible?

'Percy just did it you idiot so apparebtly it's possible.'

He opened the door. My arm was grabbed, the warm hand a contrast to my cold skin. Percy was always warm. He seemed like a god.

I was pulled downthe hall back to Percy's room. I sat on the bed as he started pacing the floor. He started cursing in ancient Greek with barely any English words thrown in there. Hold on, how do I know it's ancient Greek? And how can I understand his potty mouth.

He finally turned back to me sharply. I flinched involuntarily. He strode tome and held my face in his hands.

"It may seem that your subconscious is remembering. Maybe...." he trailed off.

"M-maybe what?"

He looked at me witha glint in his eye. " Maybe I can help boost it."

He leaned forward and pressed hhis lips to mine. Heat crawled up mmy neck and settled on my cheeks. My eyes were wide open. I didn't know how to react.

Suddenly, my brain switched on and I kissed him back. Oh my gosh. I was kissing Percy! This felt so foreign yet so natural for me. I knew Percy's mouth, yet, I didn't. This feeling, I loved it.

I pulled away with his bottom lip between mine. Percy's eyes opened in genuine surprise. I let go completely to breathe.

"What the hell was that?" Percy asked confused.

"I-I don't know..... it j-just felt n-n-natural," I managed to stutter out.

Percy smiled. "There's my Nico."


AN: sorry this took me a long time to write. I was sooooo sick. but I'm better now so have a chapter :3


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