Chapter 7: What?

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Nico's POV:

I sat on a frosty bench. Snowflakes fluttered down to the ground where they gathered, creating a blanket of snow. One of those lovely white snowflakes landed on my nose. I shivered. It was cold.

I rubbed my hands together, blowing on them in hopes of gaining warmth. Percy had taken me to Central Park. He'd left me gere on the bench to go get us some snacks.

'He better bring back something warm,' I thought.

I was still confused about yesterday. That kiss. It was amazing yet confusing. Why would he kiss me? Me? A stupid little boy.

I shook my head. Who the heck knows. I closed my eyes, trying to block out the world. It worked for a bit. I didn't even feel the snow anymote. But all good things must come to an end. I came back to reality when someone sat next to me. I didn't even glance up.

"That was fast," I muttered thinking it was Percy.

"You were expecting me?" a chuckle sounded beside me.

My head snapped to the side. My jaw dropped when I saw who it was. Johnny. Johnny from that camp. What is he doing here?!

"Are you just gonna stare at me again or....."

I snapped out of my trance. "Sorry, um........ hi?" I squeaked.

Johnny chuckled. He yawned - an obviously fake yawn - and threw his arm around my shoulders. I blushed. His jacket smelled amazing.

I unconsciously inhaled deeply. Oh god, I almost moaned out loud.

"Do I smell good?" he grinned stupidly.

I blushed harder. "S-so-sorry! I d-di-"

I turned my head to the side at the wrong moment. Why? Johnny turned his head at the exact same moment. Our noses brushed together and our mouths connected. My eyes widened. I tried to pull away but Johnny pulled me closer.

Thoughts raced through my head. Why is he doing this? What will Percy think? What do I think?

I was surprised when I found myself timidly kissing back. Holy-

Johnny pulled away. He was smiling at me. A smile tugged at the corner of my lips. I tried to fight it back to no avail. It came out as a full blown grin.

A figure was frozen behind Johnny. My eyes widened in horror when I saw who was behind him. No. No, he couldn't have seen... right?

"Nico... How could you?" Percy's broken voice called out.

He turned and ran.


AN: Sorry for the long way. End of the term, soooooo stressful.

Anywhore, hope you liked it. Sorry for making it short.

I has a question. Should I add smut in this story? Answer in comments.


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