Chapter 4: Memories or Visions?

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AN: I have decided to change Garu's name to Johnny. Yeah, so..... carry on



Percy yanked my arm hard. He was leading me in the general direction of the cabins, but we didn't seem to be going to his. I opened my mouth to ask him what was wrong, but the look on his face stopped me. He looked mad, jealous even. His mad face was scary. I closed my mouth. 

I winced when Percy pulled roughly on my arm. "Um.... Percy, you're kinda hurting my arm..."

Percy looked back in shock. His face softened and he let me go. Grabbing my shoulders and kneeling so he was at my level, he looked me square in the eyes.

"I'm sorry. I would never hurt you on purpose."

I looked at him with wide eyes. He seemed so sincere it was impossible not to believe him. I nodded and grabbed his hand instead, feeling like a little kid. Percy smiled at me and turned back forward. He headed into a cabin I had never seen before, pulling me in with him.

"Um, Percy? Where are we?" I asked timidly.

"Hecate cabin," he replied. "They're the sons and daughters of Hecate, the goddess of magic."

I stayed silent. I didn't know why we were here. Guess I'd find out.

Percy entered the cabin, not bothering to knock. I timidly followed him. He motioned me over to a young girl with brown hair. She was the type of girl that, if I were straight, I'd be attracted to.

She stood up to great Percy, enveloping him in a hug. A startling burst of jealousy ripped through me

I don't even really know Percy, so why do I feel this way? I shook it off and walked over to them.

"Nico, this is Katie, daughter of Hecate. She's gonna see if she can bring your memories back," Percy said excitedly.

I hesitated. What if I don't like my past? What if it hurts? But looking onto Percy's adorably excited face, I knew I had to do it.

"Okay," I said. "How exactly does it work?"

"Just sit here on the bed in front of me," Katie said, "and I'll do the rest."

I nodded. I crossed the room to sit on the foot of the bed, next to a very eager Percy. He grabbed my right hand in his left. A flurry of butterflies danced in my stomach, causing heat to crawl up my neck. Percy noticed it and smirked lightly. I ignored him and turned back to face Katie.

"Now," she said, "close your eyes."

Reluctantly, I closed my eyes so she would do as she may. I felt fingertips touch my temples, making the world around me disappear. Then, came the visions.

Happy Percy. Sad Percy. Jealous Percy. Percy kissing me. Me kissing Percy. Me being mad at Percy. Percy kissing Annabeth. Me being jealous of Annabeth. Annabeth stabbing me, and so much more.

It was slightly overwhelming. I started gasping for air as the scenes past. Scene after scene, there was Percy in one way or another. The visions passed faster and faster, causing me to panic more. I tried to move my arms and legs in some way, but I couldn't. I was paralyzed.

My gasps became quicker and more frequent as the visions passed my field of vision. I was hyperventilating. I couldn't breathe.

Finally, it stopped. I was back in the cabin with Percy clutching my hand. Karie sat in front of me, looking exhausted and worn out. I trembled softly and gripped Percy's hand harder. I slowly caught my breath and leaned into Percy. He wrapped his arms around me tenderly, seeing my obvious distress. I returned the embrace warmly, happy to have someone with me.

"That was... interesting," Katie said as she turned to us. "It worked, but the memories might fade again. You'll probably get flashes at night when you're asleep Nico. I suggest you prepare."

I nodded shakily. There was gonna be more?

"Thanks Katie," Percy said."I owe you one."

"Yeah, you do. That was tiresome."

"Come one Nico. Let's go get your stuff."

I stood up on shaky legs, following Percy out of the cabin. He kept his arm around me the entire way to his cabin. The whole time I was wondering,

Was that real, or were they only visions?


AN: That took longer than expected. The chapter was short and sweet, but I don't think I did a good job. I'll try to do better next time. I swear


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