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When Raey got into the school cafeteria, it was already time for lunch as the bell rings for students to go for lunch.

She quickly goes for her food as she is first in line and walks out of the cafeteria not looking up and towards the school park she goes.

She sits at her favorite bench and finishes her meal whiles listening to one of Chris brown's album Royalty.

Music and books were some of the things that kept her going from time to time. Anytime she felt down or worried she would just grab a book or listen to a music.

Soon after having her dessert that her mom prepared for her, she saw Steve walking towards her in a haste.

When she saw him ,she quickly grabbed her cookies and orange juice and placed it in her jacket and got down the stairs moving towards a different angle.

Before she could take any step further , Steve caught up with her and grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to him.

He was smelling so good. He had on a cologne which smelled like grapes and mint.
Steve placed his lips closer to his sister's lips waiting patiently for her to respond because as he said he doesn't want to force things on her. His breath smelled like coffee.

She should be willing to give herself to him. Since that day he has been wondering how her lips would taste like.

Just then Raey smashed her lips on his without hesitating releasing him out of his thoughts. Moving her lips against his and biting on his lower lips. His lips tasted so good she wanted more of him instantly.

Plunging her tongue into his mouth waiting for him to give permission for her to go deeper.

Steve responded back and they kept kissing and touching each other like they couldn't get enough of thier bodies closer and burning with desire and lust.

He really loved how her lips tasted sweet obviously from the juice and cookies she was eating. He imagined her lips tasting good but kissing her at this moment she tasted even better.

He starts to move his hand on her lower back touching her ass and feeling how soft it is pushing them both into the wall of the changing room.

She also starts touching his chest and feeling his abs wondering how a young guy like him could have abs.

She could feel his hard cock moving on her clits and feeling her wetness already.

He puts his hands on her pants and slowly moves his fingers in her inner thighs and moves to place his hand on her soaking panties.

Before he could go any further ,a voice clears from behind them and they are face to face with Jake grinning as wide as a kitten.

“Am sure if I had to continue watching this I would have gotten a hard on probably just by watching you two.” Jake says as he positions himself on the wall opposite them fake smiling at them.

“ Oh, God. Please you can't tell anyone about this. This could ruin us completely.” Raey pleads with Jake.

She tries to push Steve away from her but he only keeps his eyes on her as if telling her he didn't care they were just caught in a compromising position

She has always been one who doesn't bring trouble home but ever since her stepbrother came into her life all she faces is trouble.

She just can't imagine what her parents would think of them if they found out.

What the school thinks of her has never been her problem whatsoever.

“I have nothing to say so you don't have to worry but you guys need to be careful because it could be someone else that could have seen and even recorded the whole scene and before you know it topic of the school.” Jake moves from his position and moves towards them and man shakes Steve and whispers something into his ears and gets Steve all worked up.

Jake walks back into the school and leaves them still standing in that awkward position.

Raey tries to push Steve again away from her so she could adjust herself properly but it only makes Steve push himself on her more.

He grabs her face and kisses her deeply once more before letting her go.

She is shocked at how possessive he is even after being caught by one of the most popular guys in the school.

“ What did he say?” she asks him as she pulls her skirt down and realising  she had most of buttons opened up and exposing her panties.

“ That's why I didn't move.” he said to her whiles pointing at her open skirt.

“ And am supposed to say thank you or...”

Steve slams his lips on hers and pulls her hair back to gain access to her neck and bites on her skin leaving a mark.

“ Well back to your question he said I owe him one for saving my ass.” he moves his hands through his hair.

“ Really?”

“ Yeah. I think it's time for our next class so fix yourself up because you look like someone who just got an orgasm.” he smirks and spanks her ass a little.

Her cheeks become hot like tomato and adjust herself properly as she follows him into the school building.

It was soon time for cheerleading practice and soccer practice as well.

Raey went into the ladies room seeing different girls in thier nice bodies and bras and pants moving up and down to change.

She put on her dress with her back facing the others and tried putting on her cheerleading socks but they just wouldn't pull up as if she wasn't wearing it correctly.

“ Here, let me help.” she heard someone say behind her. She turned and saw Poline moving towards her already dressed in her cheerleading attire.

Just as she was about to decline ,Poline goes down on her knees and pulls something off the socks enabling the socks to move up easily.

“ Now it's done. It happens to most of the girls here on thier first day.” she said trying to lighten the mood.
“ Am really sorry for what happened the other day. I must have been a bitch.”

“Yah right...” Raey mutters softly but Poline hears it.

Poline stretches out her hand towards Raey.
“Hi, am Poline.”

Raey takes her hands and shakes it too.

“ Hi am Raey.”

“ Okay nice talking to you and it's almost time for practice so we can always talk after school if you have the time.” Poline says to her as she guides her towards the school park for cheerleading practice.

“Thanks.” Raey responds to her and joins her on the field with the other girls as thier coach who introduced herself to them as Mrs Rebe, asked them to do some stretches around the park.

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