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Time they say flies by when you least expect it. Poline and Jake have been seeing each other secretly for months now and for now they didn't want the school board knowing of their secret affair.

Infact they couldn't put a name to whatever was going on between them but since it involved a lot of sex and orgasms they just decided to go with the flow that is “Friends with benefits”.

Every free period they had in school they met at the janitors closet to “release some stress” as Poline described it. They both knew what they were getting into but just ignored it at the moment.

“See you later handsome.” Poline said to Jake after they were done with pleasing each other in the janitors closet.

Jake had all of a sudden gotten addicted to Poline's pussy so much he wanted it every second and today happens to be the day he couldn't hold it in and begged Poline during Chemistry to help him out.

Poline knowing she would definitely get her numerous orgasms couldn't say no and agreed.

“Wait...” Jake grabbed Poline's arms before she could move. “I know we agreed not to date and all that stuff but I really want to take you out tonight at least for dinner.” he said to her hoping she would agree.

“Really? I wasn't expecting that but sure I would love to have dinner with you.”

“Wheww!!! Thanks a lot, I actually thought you wouldn't agree.” he said grinning wide.

“Dont worry about it. Just text me the time and place and I would be there.”

“Actually ,I want to pick you up myself and you can be ready before 6pm.” he quickly placed a peck on her cheeks that had Poline blushing for the first time since forever.

She pulled away and waved him whiles running off to the ladies washroom to fix her disheveled hair. “What was that all about?” she whispered to herself.

“This wasn't part of the plan but why do I feel like am starting to develop real feelings for him.” She said to her subconscious.

Poline quickly fixed her lipstick and hair and just then the school bell rang for next class. She grabbed her purse and walked over to her locker to grab her books for the next class.

“Well, that went well I guess.” Jake spoke to himself after he departed from Poline some few seconds ago.

He just couldn't believe he pecked her even though they kiss all the time during their make out sessions this felt different and he was starting to wonder if he was getting attached to Poline even by just messing around with each other.

He walked in the direction of class and almost bumped into Steve on his way out.

“Sorry dude. I didn't see you.” Jake apologized immediately.

“ Oh no worries man.” Steve tapped him on the shoulders. “Well if you don't mind can I actually speak to you after school? I really need someone to talk to.” He asked even though he wasn't sure how Jake would react to it.

“Yes,Yes we can. I will meet you at the car park.”

“Thanks.” Steve said with a smile.

“No worries. Got to go to class so later.” Jake said to him with a wave.

Relief is just what Steve felt at the moment. He needed to talk to someone as soon as possible about his feelings for his stepsister that wouldn't diminish even in the slightest.

After he spoke to Raey about him wanting to date Louisa, she contacted him the very next day. It's like she was always looking for some type of distraction and he was ever ready to give that to her but it still didn't stop the feelings he had growing for Raey.

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