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Poline's house is the most gorgeous house in the whole town. There are houses like the Quinn's house and the Wellings house and some many others just as gorgeous but her house comes with modernization.

Automatic censored gates, automatic CCTV detectors, self cleansing swimming pools, motion detector for the jacuzzi and washrooms. It's like everything is extravagantly created in her house.

Steve drives through the gate and Raey just stares ahead totally dumfounded likewise Steve but he has looked it up over the internet on occasion but seeing it in reality is a total different vibe.

They reach the front of the house and Raey gets out so Steve can find a parking spot for his car. Paper cups with booze is being handed to them at the entrance of the house which Steve gladly accepts and Raey rejects obviously because she doesn't drink.

The entire house is filled with high school kids from different schools and there are poker tables on one side of the house already filled with topless girls in bras.

To the left of the house, some random people are making out probably not caring for privacy. Steve walks over to his friends and Raey just walks to the bar to grab a soda. “What kind of house has a bar?” she wonders to herself admiring how posh it looks.

“ Heyyy!!, ” someone shouts over the crowd. When she looks up it's Poline and she is dressed in a blue sequins short dress that splits at the thighs and she has lots of makeup on you would have to look twice to actually recognize her.

“ Hi, I didn't want to roam about to look for you.” Raey responds to her when Poline joins her at the bar taking a sit close to her.

“ Am glad you came. I was kinda doubting you wouldn't since I've been really rude to you starting of the semester.” she smiles and drinks from her cup.

“ Well let's just say am returning a favor and thanks for helping me out the other day at school.”

Poline smirks at her.“ Oh come on , it's nothing.”

“So did you come alone or you came with someone.” she continues looking around.

“Yeah. I came with my brother... I mean stepbrother he is over there in that corner.” she points to Steve.

“ Oh wow I didn't know he is your brother.. I mean stepbrother.” she grins. “No wonder he was at your side in seconds when know..”

“Yeah, yeah I know.” Raey smiles.

“ Well, you might want to join us outside at the back of the house we have some games ongoing there.” she says but grabs her hands before she can protest.

Poline pushes through the crowd whiles guiding Raey towards the back of the house. A big round table with lots of booze ,soda bottles and coke is placed in the middle and there are chairs with some unfamiliar faces seated around the table. Raey recognized two of the guys from Lookwell High School and one from Prepson and a girl she hasn't seen before but looks a lot like Darell Simons.

“ Well well well, look who we have here, our dearest host and her new puppet I guess.” Darell Simons remarks whiles sipping from his cup.

He is the boyfriend of Poline and he is the all time soccer captain of Lookwell High school. He was a close friend of Steve Quinn but they had some issues before Steve left Lookwell High.

Poline grabs two chairs to join the table with Raey.

“ Am not a puppet.” Raey snaps at him.

She has never liked him much since the first time she saw him at one of Steve's soccer games that her mum practically forced her to attend before he transfered to Prepson High School.

“ Feisty, ha? ” he responds back with a smirk on his face. He licks his lips and grabs a  different cup from the table to drink from it's contents. Definitely booze.

“ Ha,ha” Raey mocks joining her new friend.

“ Babe, leave her alone.” Poline barks at her boyfriend. He smugs and blows her a kiss.

“ How can that scumbag be your boyfriend? No offense.” Raey whispers to Poline.

“None taken ” Poline laughs as she puts a fallen strand of hair behind her ears. “ He is slightly likeable when you get to know him.”

“ Alright enough of that. Let's play truth or dare. All in favor say I.” Frederic one of the guys at the table says. He is known for being a man whore since he is basically always fucking around with girls on school grounds.

A few at the table respond “I” but Poline and Raey both stay silent.

“Alright, majority carries the vote but we need at least three more people to join the table since we are six here.” A guy named Moses says.

He is one of the smartest guys at Lookwell High and a very shy but outgoing person.

“Well since the girls are three we need two extra guys and an additional girl. Let's call Jake and Steve.” Louisa Simons replies.

She is the sister of Darell Simons and a very pretty girl. She is fun and simple and she is also one of the smartest girls in Lookwell High.

“And Therese.” Poline adds.

“ There is no way I am playing this game.” Raey responds and stands to her feet and heads towards the kitchen pushing through the crowd.

She is more uncomfortable about her stepbrother joining them since they've both been avoiding each other since the day they made out in school and after finding out her mom is pregnant even at her old age.

“Wait...” Poline grabs her arms before she got into the kitchen. “Live a little you can't just sit in here with all those horny ass people and drunks. Outside is much safer.”

“ But...”

“No buts I don't think the game would be that difficult for you.” Poline shuts her up and pulls her outside of the house.

Steve and Jake are both there by the time they get outside and there is a wicked grin plastered on Steve's face.

Jake obviously was surprised he was invited to play the game. He didn't want to attend the party in the first place but some guy name Tom from his class came over to tell him that he was specifically invited by Poline to her party.

Therese joins them later in her short shirt that is exposing her boobs out and short skirt that when she bends even a little you can see everything on full display.

“ Okay since we are set now and there is enough booze,let's begin. I will start first obviously. Truth or Dare Raey?” Moses asks her with a wide grin.

“Why me?” she asks him.

“ Because I want you.” he says without thinking. “ Uhmm, I mean I want you to answer first.” he chuckles to himself. His face is already red like a tomato because of his stutter.
Everyone is looking at him now like he has grown horns and Steve only curses under his throat from his statement.

Moses has also been having a crush on Raey since the first time he saw her in their school during the soccer match they had with Ron Dave High school. He meant to tell her but after the match he didn't see her until now.

He begged Darell to convince Poline to invite her for the party but he ended up asking him a lot of questions and Moses only answered him by saying “ Oh she is Steve's sister so it won't be nice to invite him without her.” but Darell already knew  he was crushing on her since he wouldn't stop talking about her since the game last term.

“ Alright, Truth.” she responds to him not looking away from his cute face.

“ Do you have a boyfriend?” he blurts out almost choking on his own words.

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