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A/N: HELLO HUMANS! Please comment! I feel crazy when I write stuff but no one comments. but most importantly, if you have nothing nice or productive to say, DO NOT SAY IT. as a person who is fairly suicidal and depressed, what you say matters. if you read shit just to criticize or bitch, don't read. please and thank you. (if you need to talk about depression, trauma, or anything like that, say that)

My breathe billows out in front of me as I watch the Avengers walk through the streets. It's not hard to tell who they are from up here. the way they walk gives them away. Tense and wary, ready to fight at a moment's notice. I don't blame them. I smile slightly under my mask as Stark and Rogers get into another argument and Loki threatens to stab them both if they don't stop bickering. Just another day with the Starks. I wish for the hundredth time that I could join them, but I'm- me. I back away from the edge of the roof, to the fire escape and start climbing down, when I slip and start to fall. five stories down.

well shit, I think, and close my eyes...

and get caught by a pair of very muscular arms. and by the way my mark is reacting, one of my many soulmates.

double shit.

"That was close! are you okay, miss?" I open my eyes and turn to face spiderman.

"Yeah, I'm fine. put me down," I groan as I rub my face. he lands on the ground, and a second later, I'm walking away.

"Uh, actually, I think I should take you to stark tower-" I give him 'the look'. he flinched as my pupils changed shape slightly.

"you wanna test me, kid?" I growl, and he starts backing away slowly

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"you wanna test me, kid?" I growl, and he starts backing away slowly. I nod. "good answer." I watch as he starts running the other way. smart kid. 

"Shit," I yell, and start running 'home', dodging cars and creeps. I slowed to a walk when I saw my house, and carefully scaled the wall to the window, sliding it closed silently behind me.



Peter's POV

I swing into stark tower and sprint to the common room as fast as I can, running into Tony and steve on the way. (no, I don't ship Starker, if you do, you deserved to be stabbed. tony is a platonic soulmate to peter. as Clint and Bruce are also platonic soulmates for peter) 

"whoa, what's the rush kid? what hap-" tony starts.

"IFOUNDHERIFOUNDHERIFOUNDHER," I yell. tony and steve look confused.

"repeat that about half as slowly and loudly, please," Steve asks. I take I breath and calm down.

"I found her," I say slowly. they freeze.

"Who, peter," Steve asks.

"our last mate. she didn't wanna come here, which is why I didn't bring her, but I did put a tracker and listening device on her-"

"THEN WHAT THE HELL ARE WE HERE TALKING FOR, LET'S GO!" Tony grabs steve and I as he starts running to the common room. "FRIDAY, tell the Avengers to assemble," he yells.

"Yes, sir," FRIDAY responds pleasantly. 

I sigh and start hooking up the camera and audio to the TV as we wait for the rest of our mates to get here.

"I swear, Stark, unless this is world-threatening important, you will find yourself being thrown out the window again," Loki grumbled as he walked in, and the others muttered their agreement.

"nope. even more important," Tony replies cheerfully.

"What in the nine realms-" Loki groans.

"It's mate important," Tony interrupts and pulls up a picture I took of her, along with her ID and other information the government has on her. Tony pauses to take in the reactions of everyone around him before continuing.

"Rayn O'Connor, 17, father unknown, mother deceased. adopted by relatives at age 7, shipped off to boarding school for 2 years at age 14," he reads, then pauses to think.

"Peter bugged her, so if we want, we can see and hear what's going on around her," he finishes, and everyone burst out yelling. mostly along the lines of 'do it,' and 'what are we waiting for.' so tony pushed a few buttons, and the TV came to life.

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?" a man with a beard yells as Rayn shuts her window.

"Out. like I said I was going to be," Rayn snarks. the man scowls.

"and who did you-"

"I told you. it's not my fault you don't remember," she grumbles, and pulls out her phone, showing him the video of her asking to leave.

"cut the attitude, brat. as soon as we find your mates, we're shipping you off."

"good. 'least I won't have to put up with your bullshit anymore. now leave me alone, I actually have a life."


"would I have to put up with your bullshit?"

"no, but you will have to put up with their torture."

"well, that's nothing I haven't seen before. I can put up with that."


Tony clicked the power button on the remote, and the TV blinked off. we all sat in silence for a few moments.

"We have to get her out of there," I say quietly. the others nod in agreement. Loki stands up.

"I can get her now, as long as I have the location," he offers. Steve shakes his head.

"no, we should all go. or most of us, anyway. i suggest Peter, Nat, Loki, Tony and I go," he states. everyone nods their agreement.

"Alright then, Avengers, move out."

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