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"DAD! The pancakes are done!" I jolt awake at the sound of Lila's yelling.

"Ray, calm down. It's just Lila," bucky yawns. I look around and realize that everyone else except bucky and I had woken up. I sigh and flop back onto the bed. Bucky laughs and pulls me into a hug. After a few minutes, I roll out of bed and pull some clothes.

"I'm going to change." Bucky nods and stays where he is.

"Do you care if I stay?" I hesitate.

"It's not that I don't want you to stay, or that I don't trust you. It's just..." he nods in understanding.

"It's fine, doll. I'm not going to be upset if you don't want me to see you naked. it's perfectly fine, I'm not that big a jerk." I giggle and kiss him quickly before he gets up and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. I lock the door behind him before changing.

I trace the scars and cuts on my arms, contemplating picking the scabs and cleaning them again. Deciding against it, I pull out a binder, black jeans, and grey sleeveless turtleneck, wrapping my arms in clean bandages. I let out my fur, then tied my hair back loosely so my ears can move freely. Deciding that I look masculine enough, I open the door and make my way downstairs. Morgan is the only one who sees me enter. Her eyes widen. I put a finger to my lips and she gets it. She goes back to eating as I sneak up behind everyone. They're all on the couch, facing the TV as they watch some Disney movie.

"BOO." they all jump and pull out weapons, dumping food and drinks on each other. Morgan and I collapse into a fit of giggles as Clint tosses his glass of milk on Tony and Sam smashes a plate of pancakes into Bucky's face. My mates glare at me as I dissolve into another fit of giggles. Steve sighs and puts his food down. I sit up and watch as he walks over to me. He reaches down and grabs for me, but I roll out of the way. He glares at me and tries again, but fails.

"Ray, come on. Stop fighting me," he growls. I shiver, distracted by how attractive it sounds. He lunges at me, and I squeal as he picks me up and spins me around. I giggle as he tickles me, earning a few quick kisses. I purr as he rubs my ears and pulls me closer into his chest. Bucky leans over and kisses my forehead, then Steve. Tony rolls his eyes and scoops up morgan as she squeals and giggles. I smile, remembering the way my mother would play with me when I was younger. When she was sober, at least. I hear a gasp and turn to see laura standing in the doorway. She quickly turns and leaves, closing the door behind her. I sigh. Clint notices and smiles reassuringly.

"Just give her time, kid. She wasn't expecting..." he trails off. I smile grimly.

"A leftover experiment from HYDRA? A monster? A murderer? No, I wouldn't expect her to. I don't blame her. She's scared for the safety of her kids, any good parent would be." my mates all turn to face me, openly gaping at my statement. Clint leaves, slamming the door behind him.

"Don't say that," Nat whispers. I look at her.

"Why? It's true, isn't it? So why should it matter-" I'm cut off as a hand makes contact with the side of my face, slapping me hard. I slowly turn to face the person who did it, touching the stinging skin. Natasha glares back at me through tear-filled eyes.

"Don't say that. Please don't say that." I tilt my head, confused by her reaction.

"Why not?" I start to wiggle away from steve, but he hugs me tighter, making it difficult for me to move. I growl, my frustration mounting. Steve freezes, unsure of what to do. Bucky grabs my shoulders, and steve hands me off to bucky. I hiss and squirm, trying to get out of his grip, but a vibranium arm always wins against an enhanced teen throwing a tantrum. Eventually, I give up and flop into his chest. Nat sits down next to me and wraps an arm around my waist. I lean my head on her shoulder, and bucky pulls us both into a hug. Clint walks back in, laura behind him. I look up and make eye contact with her, and she flinches.

"Clint, if you're going to try and get her to talk to me, then make sure she can make eye contact without flinching," I scoff. He looks back at Laura, and she looks down. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. I push nat and Bucky off of me and make my way to the door.

"Where are you going?" i don't even look at Tony.

"Out," I snap. "I can smell laura's fear, and it's pissing me off." she gasps. I can tell she wants to say something but holds back. In a second, I'm in front of her.

"I know you have something to say. Just say it. I'm not a mindless killer. You can piss me off without getting killed, you know." she backs up, getting as far away from me as she can. I roll my eyes. "Now that's just pathetic." I turn to leave, snarling at anyone who tries to touch me and slam the door on my way out.

Once I'm out, I take off running. I don't have a destination, I just need to get away.

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