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Normal POV

I flip through my book, but my mind is anywhere but my book. My main focus, however, is my mates. They're all so kind and gentle with me when I've done nothing to deserve it. Tony shifts on his head, rolling closer to nat, whose head is on my chest. I smile, basking in the calm, loving atmosphere. The dynamic was perfect for me. Order within chaos. love expressed with sarcasm and teasing. We only had to say something, and the others would take care of it. They'd move the world for you if they had to. It felt nice, having people that actually cared. Different, but nice. I hear footsteps down the hall, walking towards the door. I reach for my knife under my shirt but remove my hand as I catch the scent of Clint and Bruce. They knock quietly on the door.

"Come in," I say quietly. They open the door and smile at the sight of Tony and Nat asleep on top of me, or asleep at all. I flick my tail in amusement. "What did you need," I whisper.

"Nothing, Tony and Nat hadn't come down yet so we were worried that you three were fighting." I nod. They weren't wrong, but we weren't fighting in the way they think we were.

"So, I wanted to know if you would want to meet my wife and kids tomorrow," Clint asks. I look up.

"I thought you were married to the rest of the Avengers," I mumble. He nods.

"I am, but I married her first. Àfter I met nat, it was different. She's my mate, but no one else's. Like Zoey and Bruce." I nod.

"How many kids?" he relaxes, clearly relieved by how I took the news.

"Three. Two boys and a girl, the oldest is a year older than you." I nod.

"So basically I have three siblings," I mumble. He nods again. "What are their names?"

"Cooper's 19, Lila's 16, and Nathaniel's 14." Nat groans and squeezes me tighter, and Tony rolls onto his back, mumbling. I smile and start playing with his hair.

"When are we going?"

"Uh..." Clint looks at bruce.

"We can go tomorrow." Clint looks back at me.

"Tomorrow then." I nod.

"'Kay. I'll go." I think for a minute. "Wanda, vision, and Pietro. Do I get to meet them?" my dads look at each other, confused.

"why wouldn't you? they're a part of the team, and you're our mate." I smile.


"whenever you want to. they're on a mission currently, but they'll be back within a week."

"I want to meet them. They're my brothers and sister mates, right?"

"Whatever you're talking about, could you do it later," Tony grumbles, pressing his face further into my stomach. I giggle. Nat growls in agreement and grabs my tail and starts using it as a stuffie. I flick the end, and she sneezes. I look back at Clint.

"Yeah, I'll go. I want to meet Wanda, Vision, and Pietro when they get back." Clint opens his mouth to speak, but Bruce pulls him back and closes the door with a smile. After a few minutes, Nat and Tony are asleep again. I sigh when another person knocks.

"Come in," I say. The door opens to reveal Sam, Steve, and Bucky. They smile at the sight of Nat, Tony and I cuddling together.

"C'mere," I sigh, reading their expressions. They brighten and climb into the bed, careful not to disturb our sleeping mates, and find a way to lay down while touching me. Steve curls into my side, pressing small kisses into my neck. I shiver, purring slightly. He tenses up and takes my hand, gently tracing the cuts and scars. I look up at him, and he kisses my forehead, nose and lips. I press my forehead to his. He pulls my hand to his face and kisses my knuckles gently. I smile and kiss his cheek.

"It's ok, Nat and Tony talked to me about it. If it happens again, then I'm going to tell Nat and she's going to help me through it," I whisper in his ear. He nods and kisses me again. Bucky senses his sadness, and rolls over to kiss Steve's arm. I smile at the way my mates take care of each other, and the child-like need for attention from the others. It was perfect for me. I could get all the attention I needed, and they would be happy to give it to me. Cuddling with someone for hours on end was normal and smiled at. They weren't perfect, but they're what I need. 

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