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A/N: hey guys, i'm not going to be updating as often anymore, sorry <3

Stephen S. POV

I carefully step out of the portal and onto the tree branch Rayn was sitting on. They're curled into a ball, shaking and sniffling, fur out.

"Hey, it's okay," I soothe, stepping towards them. Their ears twitch, and they look up at me. Then the scent hits me.

Fresh rain and evergreens, mixed with vanilla. Wild, soothing, and calm. A perfect scent for them. I want to make them mine. I snap out of my haze as Rayn whimpers.

I look closely and realize that their skin is flushed, probably very sensitive. Their eyes are unfocused, but looking at me. They're scared. Gently, I try to pick them up. They whine and lean into my touch, making me realize.

They're not sick. They're in heat.

This new information brings a new urgency. I scoop them up and carry them back to the portal, taking us into the Sanctum. Wong jumps, not expecting me to come back holding a limp, nearly unconscious person.

"Wong, how do you help someone through heat?" he snaps out of his daze.

"I'm not sure. Most likely lots of physical contact. As well as cool food." I nod and take her to my room, the cloak picking up my urgency and flying me the rest of the way. I set them down on my bed and run a hand through their hair. They whine and nuzzle into my palm, making my stomach twist as I smile slightly.

I step away from them and leave the room quietly. I float my way down to the kitchen and fill a glass with cold water. Deciding they needed more, I fill a bowl with cool water and dip a small towel in it. I make a portal back to my room and step through. I smile at the sight of my mate sleeping peacefully.

If I had to go out on a limb, I'd say that Rayn didn't get much sleep at all. Almost none, most likely. I sit down on the bed next to them. They shift slightly, opening their eyes to look at me. I smile at them gently. They whine and roll into my lap, wrapping their arms around my waist. I hug them back and lean into the pillows. They fall back asleep quickly after. I sigh, stroking their hair gently. This would have been so much easier for them if they had told us. If they had trusted us. But it wasn't really their fault. We haven't exactly been the most trustworthy mates. Sure, we weren't perfect, but then again, nobody is. We need to do better if we want them to stay, though. I inhale sharply as Rayn burrows themself into the crook of my neck, magnifying their already intoxicating scent to an even higher degree.

"You smell like books," they mumble. I laugh a little.

"Well, you smell like trees," I retort. I get a small giggle in response.

"Good or bad trees?" I play with the ends of their hair.

"What's a bad tree," I laugh.

"One that doesn't smell good," they mumble. I smile.

"Good trees, then. You smell like evergreens. Fresh rain, evergreens, and vanilla." They hum.

"You still smell like old books." I smile. It's nice to see them with their guard down like this. Rayn is a naturally guarded person, so it probably takes a lot to get them in this state. I probably won't see this side of them very often. It's adorable. They're so... soft. Gentle. Open. It's... refreshing. I wish we'd found them before HYDRA.

As much as I love Rayn, they can be difficult to be around. They're independent, strong-willed, bold, hard-headed, and distrustful. You have to work hard to earn their trust. But once you do, it's worth it. They're loyal, strong, playful, kind, and in general, just perfect. Then again, I am their mate, so I don't really have a say.

I just wish they would let us in.

I kiss the top of their head, absentmindedly rubbing their ears. They purr and snuggle into my torso in response, flicking their tail. I laugh as they sneeze adorably.

"What kind of sneeze is that?" I laugh. They whine.

"It's a normal sneeze!" I laugh and roll onto my side, dumping Rayn on the bed next to me. They let out a small 'oof'. Pretty quickly, they snuggle back into my torso. I sigh. Rayn in heat is very affectionate and snuggly. Duly noted. I can't help but smile as they yawn. I look up as someone knocks on the door. Wong opens it and scrunches up his face.

"It smells very strongly of evergreens in here. You might want to open a window. Anyway. I brought food-" Rayn sits up at the mention of food.

"Bitch gimme the food." wong looks offended.

"I beg your pardon-"

"FOOD. NOW. BEG LATER." I cover my mouth to hide my smile

"How dare you! Do you know who I am?!"

"Someone who is about to get hurt if they don't give me. The. MOTHER. FUCKING. FOOD," they growl, pulling out a knife from seemingly now where. I start laughing. They both glare at me.

"You allow this child to speak like this?" I sit up and pull Rayn into my chest.

"I don't allow them to do anything. They are their own person, and I don't dictate their actions. My mate can make decisions on their own." Wong's eyes widen in surprise.

"She's your mate?" Rayn glares at him.

"I am not a she. I am not a he. I just kinda exist. So I am a they/them." Wong looks confused but doesn't say anything else. He sets down the plate of food and leaves, closing the door behind him.

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