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A/N: let's play a game of 'find the foreshadowing,' because I'm evil.

I'm still bouncing when we pull up to Zoey's apartment, 20 minutes later.

"Calm down, Kjæreste. You've been bouncing for twenty minutes now, you're going to run out of energy," he laughs.

"But I don't wanna. I have ENERGY," I squeal as Steve tickles me.

"Then it's fine if I tickle you so you can get rid of your energy?" I giggle, shaking my head, and slap his hand away in response.

"Then stop bouncing, furball." I glare at bucky.

"What if I told you to stop giving Steve hickeys, Bucket? Would you stop?" Loki laughs as both their faces turn bright red.

"N-no..." I smirk.



"Guys, stop fighting," Tony chimes in. "Clint and Bruce are getting tired of listening to your fighting."

"Don't bring us into the conversation, Tony,'' Clint fires back. I make eye contact with nat in the rearview mirror. We rolled our eyes in sync. Bruce sighs and leans further back into his seat as Tony, Steve, Bucky, Clint, and Loki start arguing. We sit there arguing for five minutes.

"Come on, guys, let's go!" Everyone stops and looks at me.

"Damn kid, I didn't know you could be so loud. Looking forward to that in the bedroom,'' Tony teases. I give him a cold look.

"Don't tease me like that. It's not funny, tony."

"Sorry," he mumbles.

"It's fine, just don't do it," I respond. "Now can we please get out of the car?" Slowly, everyone got out of the car. As soon as I step out, Loki scoops me up and carries me bridal style as we walk to Zoey's apartment. I squeak in protest, making him laugh. When we got to get the apartment, everyone else was already there. I knock on the door, and Zoey answers a second later.

"Rayn! What have I told you about committing arson and getting caught? If you're going to set something on fire and get caught anyway, don't come to me," she answers. My mates gawk at us.

"But it's more fun running from the police. You know how funny their cursing is," I whine back. "Can we come in?" She looks confused for a second. Her eyes widen when she realizes I came with my mates.

"Of course darling, I didn't realize you were here with your mates. If you weren't, I would've sent you back." She stepped back so we can get in. "I'll get the tea ready, have a seat in the living room." She walks to the kitchen and starts boiling water.

"She seems nice," Bucky comments.

" Of course she is, I choose her as a friend," I huff.

" She's sassy, don't make her mad," Steve jokes.

" She said tea. A Midgardian with class," Loki mumbles.

"She's like an older, milder version of Rayn," Clint whispers.

"She's pretty. She'd make a good spy," nat hums.

"Are we all just judging my friend? Wow, guys. Just wow." I turn to Zoey as she walks in with cream, sugar, tea, and coffee. She looks over us. When her gaze lands on bruce, she goes pale. I realize bruce is also looking pale.

'They're soulmates,' i realize. A smile slowly spreads across my face.

"I figured some of you might want coffee since you're Americans," she explains while setting the tray down. "Docter banner, can I speak with you a moment." bruce nods and follows her out of the room.

"Did she just insult Americans? What did she mean 'because we're Americans? Isn't she America? I- " I cut off tony in the middle of his rant.

"She's British. She knows that some people don't like what she likes, so she keeps coffee for when people come over. Cool your tits, she was trying to be polite," I snap.

"What was that about," clint asks, ignoring tony. Nat, Loki, and I give him a look.

"Steve and I are with clint on this one, what's up with them," bucky says. I facepalm.

"Buck, how did you react when you first met steve," I sigh. He thinks for a moment, and I see the lightbulbs go off in his head, same with steve.

"They're soulmates?" I flop over onto Loki's lap.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure they wanted us to know just yet, which is why we didn't say anything," I groan.

"Ooooh..." how they managed to say it in perfect sync, with the same expression, I have no idea. I sit back up and start making my tea with a sigh.

"Who wants tea, who wants coffee." In the end, everyone wanted tea except tony. Because tony was being a stubborn ass.

"How the hell did you know how to make this perfectly?! It's so good," Clint grumbles.

"Are you complaining," I giggle.

"Yes, because you're suspiciously perfect," clint whined teasingly.

"I'm not perfect," I whisper, setting my tea down. Loki laces his fingers through mine.

"You're perfect to us, Kjæreste," he murmurs, stroking my hair with his nose. I twitch my ears, and he rubbed them, making me purr. Zoey and Bruce walked back into the room.

"So, how's it feel to share a soulmate with the avengers, Mischief?" she rolls her eyes at the nickname.

"Weird. I'm not even American," she jokes.

"I have no idea who my dad is, so I might not be either," I joke back.

"Fair point, darling. It's overwhelming. Lots of expectations to fill," she chuckles.

"If he accepted me, he'll accept you," Loki interjects. She looks at him gratefully.

"True. he's very snarky and sarcastic. Awful person to be around," bruce teases. Loki gasps and puts a hand to his chest.

"How dare you," he feigns offense. We all laugh, and it feels like home.

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