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I wake up to the now-familiar feeling of soulmarks burning

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I wake up to the now-familiar feeling of soulmarks burning. I squirm for a few seconds, then realize that Bucky was the one carrying me. I relax a little, then snuggle into his chest. I realize quickly that we're in an elevator in Avengers tower.

"Are you awake, doll," Bucky laughs. I nod. "Good, because the others want to meet you without the risk of someone jumping out of the car."

I grumble in response.

"We have food," Steve adds. I perk up.

"Bitch, where? Put me down, I want some fucking food-"

"Language!" I look at Steve, who is in shock.

"English!" I yell back.

"She's got a point, Steve, c'mon, let's get her some food," Bucky laughs.

"Did you just fucking misgender me, bucket," I growl.

"Uh- what do you- why am I bucket?" I roll my eyes.

"You are bucket because it's close to bucky, and you have a metal arm so you are bucket. Stove, stop laughing, it's not that funny." Bucky starts laughing at Steve's nickname.

"Where did stove come from, doll," he wheezes.

"Replace the 'e' in steve with an 'o' and you have stove. Simple as that," I grin evilly.

"What do you want to eat, doll? We have cereal, and random fruits and yogurt, the others already ate everything else." the others.

I had completely forgotten about my other mates. Suddenly I was drowning with anxiety. I ran over to one of the couches that stark had in the room adjacent to the kitchen and hid in a blanket. I heard Bucky and Steve walk up to the couch and sit down on either side of me.

"What's wrong, doll? You know we're not going to let anyone hurt you, right?" I nod but don't untangle myself from the blankets.

"C'mon, sweetheart, the others want to meet you, and they can't do that if you're down here." I let out a small whine and press into the couch more.

"Why are you scared, doll? They'll love you, just like we do." they already love me? How? I mean, I love them, too, but- I'm me-They should hate me, like almost everyone else. I shake my head and curl into a tighter. Bucky sighs and stands up.

Suddenly, I'm lifted from the couch. Still in the blanket, but not on the couch. And moving towards my mates.

"Bucket, put me down, NOW," I start squirming and squealing, trying to get away from Bucky, but you can't fight against the grip of someone with a vibranium arm very easily.

When we get to the elevator, I stop fighting and start preparing for the inevitable disgust that will be on the faces of my mates. I pull the blanket tighter around my tiny body. It was ridiculous how big the blanket was. Slowly, all of my soulmarks start burning more and more. The elevator opens, and I can feel the stares of all the avengers on Bucky, or more specifically, the blanket wad in his arms.

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