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A/N: two updates in one day? whaaaaaat? you mean I actually got my lazy ass up to do something productive? unbelievable!


I glare at the scientists around the lab as I'm strapped to the table again. It's been constant pain since I got here. I hear the officers speaking in german. I glare at them too. They notice, and the one with the higher rank walked up to me. I think his name was Rumlow? He stops next to the table, near my head.

"Are you ready to become HYDRA's masterpiece, soldier?" He stroked my hair. I moved my head away and snarled at him.

"I'm no one's masterpiece, let alone HYDRA, dipshit," I snapped.

"You will be soon enough," he laughed. "Inject the serum!" as he stepped away, scientists replaced him, holding syringes.

As soon as they injected the serum, my entire body started to burn. And then they added electricity. I screamed as my body re-wrote its DNA to fit with the serum. I felt my ears change, and everything became sharper. The smells, the sounds, the stains and shadows on the walls. I felt my spine lengthen into a tail. After a few minutes, the pain faded. I scanned my body and realized they had given me a version of the super-soldier serum, but it gave me animal attributes. I think I'm a fox?

A few scientists came to check my vitals after I stopped twitching. As soon as one got close enough, I broke out of the metal cuffs, jumped off the table, and snapped their neck. At this point, everyone was aware I was loose and was reaching for a weapon of some sort. I grabbed some poisonous gasses and climbed into the vents. After a few minutes, I dropped a capsule in that area and closed off the vents. I heard screams and coughing shortly after. I waited and dropped out of the vents into a hallway. I started running and killed anyone who I was unfortunate enough to come across. They called in reinforcements, and only then did they catch me. After that, they sent me back to my legal guardians, fully realizing that if someone like me doesn't want to do something and you make them do it anyway, you're gonna have hell to pay. it wasn't until I met a new person for the first time that I realized that they really had won.

 snap back to reality when nat shakes me.

"Дорогие, who? Who made you kill? What did they do to make you so desperate-"

"HYDRA made me desperate, HYDRA did most of the physical abuse, but my legal guardians betrayed my trust first, forced me to realize I can't trust everyone," I interrupted.

"What made you so desperate?" I freeze, terrified to tell her. "Дорогие, please. We want to help, to make you happy, but we can't if we don't know your triggers, or what makes you hurt. Please." It hurts to see Nat beg like this. I take a deep breath.

"They experimented on me. But the last thing they did pushed me over the edge," I whisper.

"What did they do to you, дорогие." I flinch. She softens. "I'm sorry, but it makes me angry that someone hurt you." I look back into her eyes and see no malice or deception. I decided to trust her. I close my eyes and let out my tail and ears as I exhale. I open my eyes, showing off my slit pupils. She inhaled sharply, her face filled with awe as she stared at my ears. Taking this as a good sign, I flick my snowy white tail and ears. Her gaze flicks to my eyes, then back to my ears. She raises her hand but hesitates. I sigh and grab her hand, placing it on an ear. She rubs it hesitantly, making me purr. She smirks and rubs my ear harder and faster. I purr harder and lean into her hand. After a few minutes, she stops.

"Noooo it feels good," I whine.

"You need to shower and get ready, дорогие." I pout but stand up anyway.

"Out, nat," I scold. She laughs quietly as she leaves the bathroom.

Once she leaves, I undress and get in the shower. As the warm water runs down my body, I think about my mates, found and unfound. So far they were kind, even though I had been a complete bitch, and I hadn't known Thor very long. Hell, I only met him today.

Steve was super sweet and cared about all of his mates, even me. He would fight for what he believed in, even if he was against the government. He obviously had his own trauma but was very good at hiding it.

Bucky's trauma was so obvious it was painful. He stares at nothing for minutes on end the same way I do, as if looking for demons and ghosts that weren't there. Even with this trauma, he was still kind and caring, and willing to fight to the end of the line for what he wanted.

Nat was also full of trauma and ghosts, and very guarded. She could be planning your death and you'd never know. But behind those walls, she was compassionate and kind. She'd fight tooth and nail for you if you gained her affection.

Loki was... Hard to place. He was on guard constantly, looking for any signs of betrayal waiting to happen. Despite the rest of the Avengers being his mates, he didn't trust them. Not fully. He was... Wounded. Scarred. And I want to fix that.

Sam was very similar to Steve. He had the same compassion, same kindness, same determination. But he was more sarcastic. Less of a puppy. Not as enthusiastic. If I was going to choose a new Captain America, it would be Sam or bucky.

Tony was- well, Tony. Sarcastic, genius, billionaire, playboy, ironman. Also slightly Pervy. Actually, no. A lot Pervy. He was sweet about it though, so I don't mind overly much. But that doesn't mean I'll put up with his bullshit.

Thor was adorable. Pure, Kind, protective. Someone I wish I'd had before. I've only known him for a short while but I already trust him with my life. Same with all the others.

Clint gave me chill dad vibes. Like, "Hey dad can I get this top" and "yeah sure" without looking up from his game and coffee. but if he thought a guy was looking at you the wrong way, he'd find an arrow in his chest. I'm glad I have him as a platonic mate.

Bruce was the parent that checked the party you were going to, and the clothes you wear, to make sure you were safe but wasn't lording over your life. he was there if you needed help, but tried not to dictate your life.

Peter was a golden retriever puppy. plain and simple. he'd do almost anything to make sure you were happy. if you're crying, he'd cuddle you. if you were hungry, he'd make food. he's kind, loyal, compassionate, and empathetic.

and I love all of my mates the way they are.


I love them?

I analyze my thoughts and emotions for a few minutes before deciding. i do love them. only a little right now, but I can tell I'll fall in love with them more and more as i get to know them better.

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